Henderson Cheek -
Abstracts of Deeds
Alleghany County was established in 1859 from Ashe County. Therefore, most of the early deeds involving Henderson Cheek are found in Ashe County and not in Alleghany County, although some early deeds were later recorded in Alleghany County.
The mountain where Henderson Cheek and his family lived is now called "Cheek Mountain," but in 19th century records, it was called Peach Bottom Mountain. This can be confusing, because "Peach Bottom Mountain" also refers to the entire ridge of mountains in central Alleghany County which includes several higher peaks or knobs, historically known by various names. Land records indicate that Henderson Cheek had a mill on the creek that flows down Cheek Mountain, now called Cheek Branch. The closest existing town is Whitehead. View a Google map.
Aug. 13, 1840. Edward BASS to Henderson CHEEK, 200 acres in Ashe County on Peach Bottom Mountain, for $275. Signed: Edward BASS. Wits: John S. TAFFER, Linvill HIGGINS. Proved Mar. 10, 1857, by John S. TAFFER. Reg. May 21, 1857. (Ashe DB T:88.)
Dec. 11, 1843. H. CHEEK witnessed a deed from Morgan BRYAN to Shadrach F. BRYAN for several tracts of land on Glade Creek of the Little River. (Alleghany DB 1:164.)
Dec. 15, 1843. John HOPPASS [HOPPERS] to Henderson CHEEK, 265 acres in Ashe County on Little River, for $150. 1st tract: 115 acres beg. on top of Peach Bottom Mountain, adj. Jacob HOPPASS. 2nd tract: 100 acres adj. Jacob HOPPASS. 3rd tract: 50 acres beg. on CHEEK's corner. Signed: John HOPPASS. Wit: A.B. MCMILLAN. Proved Mar. 10, 1857, by A.B. MCMILLAN. Reg. May 21, 1857. (Ashe DB T:89.)
Mar. 27, 1846. Jacob HOPPASS to Henderson CHEEK, 193 ½ acres in Ashe County on Little River beg. in the line of a 600-acre survey formerly belonging to Griffith COLLINS, adj. James CAWDES [CAUDILL], for $100. Signed: Jacob HOPPASS. Wits: C.H. DOUGHTON, Daniel HOPPASS. Proved Mar. 10, 1857, by C.H. DOUGHTON. Reg. May 21, 1857. (Ashe DB T:90.)
Feb. 21, 1847. Jacob HOPPASS to Henderson CHEEK, 29 acres in Ashe County adj. on Little River adj. his old line & HOPPASS line, for $75. Signed: Jacob HOPPASS. Wits: J.M. CARSON, F. HOPPASS. Proved Feb. term, 1857, by oath of Jno. M. CARSON. Reg. May 4, 1857. (Ashe DB T:46-47.)
Jan. 10, 1848. H. CHEEK witnessed a deed from Jacob HOPPERS to James R. CAUDILL for 2 tracts of land on the Little River. (Alleghany DB 3:119)
Dec. 30, 1848. State of NC to Henderson CHEEK, 68 acres on the Little River in Ashe Co., NC. (Land Grant No. 4607, Book 154, p.409; NC Archives Land Warrants & Plats, File No. 3968, Folder No.
Dec. 30, 1848. State of NC to Henderson CHEEK, 35 acres on the top of Peach Bottom Mountain in Ashe Co., NC. (Land Grant No. 4645, Book 154, p.421; NC Archives Land Warrants & Plats, File No. 4006, Folder No.
Feb. 20, 1850. John HOPPASS to Henderson CHEEK, 75 acres in Ashe County on Little River beg. in a hollow between said CHEEK's mill & Daniel HOPPASS field a north side of a ridge, running west to the top of the ridge leads to Rye Field Knob, then with said ridge an agreed line to the old line of a 600-acre survey formerly Griffith COLLINS line, then east with said line to Jas. CARDELL's [CAUDILL's] line, the south with said CARDILL's line due east to the beginning. For $100. Signed: John HOPPASS. Wits: C.H. DOUGHTON, M. CAUDILL. Proved Mar. 10, 1857, by C.H. DOUGHTON. Reg. May 21, 1857. (Ashe DB T:91.)
Nov. 21, 1854. State of NC to Henderson CHEEK, 39 acres in Ashe County on Little River beg. in his line, adj. Jacob HOPPASS, a ridge, & a path. Entered Nov. 24, 1852. (Land Grant No. 6119.) (Ashe DB S:229.)
Jan. 27, 1859. State of NC to Henderson CHEEK, 25 acres in Ashe County north side Peach Bottom Mountain adj. his own line, top of Sheep Pen Ridge, line of a 50 acre tract, MAXWELL's line, & line of his 200 acre tract. Entered Feb. 24, 1857. (Land Grant No. 3527.) Certified copy from NC Sec'y of State dated Apr. 20, 1880. (Alleghany DB 5:106.)
Oct. 24, 1864. James R. CAUDILL, H. CHEEK, & J.P. CAUDILL, to State of NC, $4,000 bond, to be void if James R. CAUDILL shall truly & faithfully perform his duties as constable of the Union District. [No wits.] (Alleghany DB 1:170.)
Mar. 19, 1866. Henderson CHEEK and others posted a $15,000 performance bond for Wm. A.J. FOWLKES, Clerk of the Superior Court. (Alleghany DB 1:185)

Cheek Mountain (June 2004)
seen from Spicer Mountain Road
May 26, 1869. Henderson CHEEK & wife Lucy to Wm. B. CHEEK, 156 acres on Little River on top of Peach Bottom Mountain, adj. HOPPERAS [HOPPERS], a branch, and the line of a 150 acre tract, for $500. Signed: Henderson CHEEK, Lucy CHEEK. Wit: F.B. CHEEK, Isom FENDER. Proved July 2, 1869 (ack'd). (Alleghany DB 1:263)
May 26, 1869. Henderson CHEEK & wife Lucy to Francis B. CHEEK, 80 acres on Little River and Elk Creek on top of Peach Bottom Mountain, adj. Allen FENDER, Henderson CHEEK, for $300. Signed: Henderson CHEEK, Lucy CHEEK. Wit: Thomas EDWARDS. Proved July 2, 1869 (ack'd). (Alleghany DB 1:264)
Aug. 11, 1880. State of NC to Henderson CHEEK, 53 acres on Little River adj. his old line and HOPPRAS [HOPPERS]. Entered Sept. 30, 1878. (Alleghany Land Grant No. 162.) (Alleghany DB 5:105)
May 28, 1881. Henderson CHEEK & wife Lucinda to Lucinda EDWARDS, 100 acres adj. Alfred MOXLEY, W.B. CHEEK, Solomon EDWARDS, Nancy WAGGONER, for $500. Signed: Henderson CHEEK, Lucy CHEEK. Wit: J.C. EDWARDS. Proved May 28, 1881 (ack'd). Reg. Dec. 15, 1885. (Alleghany DB 6:84.)
May 28, 1881. Henderson CHEEK & wife Lucy to Phebe FENDER, a tract of land adj. W.B. CHEEK, FENDER, & F.B. CHEEK, for $50. Signed: Henderson CHEEK, Lucy CHEEK. Wit: J.C. EDWARDS. Proved May 28, 1881 (ack'd). Reg. Dec. 18, 1885. (Alleghany DB 6:193.)
May 28, 1881. Henderson CHEEK & wife Lucy to W.B. CHEEK, 5 1/8 acres on HOPPERS Creek adj. HOPPERS old line. Signed: Henderson CHEEK, Lucy CHEEK, for $30. Wit: J.C. EDWARDS. Proved May 28, 1881 (ack'd). Reg. Mar. 21, 1908. (Alleghany DB 23:114.)
Aug. 25, 1881. State of NC to Henderson CHEEK, 30 ½ acres on Little River adj. his 50-acre tract, REYNOLDS, & Wm. B. CHEEK. Entered Jan. 29, 1880. (Alleghany Land Grant No. 180.) (Alleghany DB 5:280.)
June 22, 1882. Henderson CHEEK & wife Lucy to H.C. CHEEK, a tract of land [no acreage stated] beg. on a branch below CHEEK's Mill, adj. J.R. CAUDILL, Daniel HOPPERS, Isom REYNOLDS, & the [??] Knob, for $150. Signed: Henderson CHEEK, Lucy CHEEK. Wits: Isom FENDER, F.W. CHEEK. Proved Jan. 17, 1883 (ack'd). Reg. Dec. 14, 1885. (Alleghany DB 6:77.)
Sept. 4, 1883. Phebe FENDER to Henderson CHEEK, Sr., [mortgage deed], a tract of land on Little River adj. H.C. CHEEK & W.B. CHEEK, to secure $323 debt due 2 years after date. Signed: Phebe FENDER. Wits: H.C. CHEEK, M.W. SPICER. "I, Isom FENDER do hereby agree for and confirm my wife Phebe FENDER to execute notes to Henderson CHEEK"; signed: Isom FENDER. Proved by ack't (no date). [Margin note] Mortgage satisfied in full, Jan. 20, 1890; signed: Henderson CHEEK by W.C. FIELDS, his atty. (Alleghany DB 5:327.)
Sept. 15, 1883. Henderson CHEEK to his daughter Phebe FENDER, for her natural life and then to her children, 97? acres on Little River adj. Solomon EDWARDS, W.B. CHEEK, & H.C. CHEEK, for $873. Excepting the mill & water for operation of mill. Signed: Henderson CHEEK. Wits: F.W. CHEEK, W.B. CHEEK, J.C. EDWARDS. Proved Dec. 18, 1885, by J.C. EDWARDS. Reg. Dec. 18, 1885. (Alleghany DB 6:191.)
Dec. 11, 1883. State of NC to Henderson CHEEK, 55 ¼ acres on Elk Creek on north side of Peach Bottom Mountain adj. said Henderson CHEEK, W.B. CHEEK. (Alleghany Land Grant No. 205.) (Alleghany DB 5:529.)

Cheek Mountain (Sept. 2007)
seen from Whitehead, NC
Dec. 11, 1883. State of NC to Henderson CHEEK, 21 ½ acres on Little River adj. Isom REYNOLDS, H. CHEEK, W.B. CHEEK, old HOPPERS line. Entered July 2, 1883. (Alleghany Land Grant No. 206.) (Alleghany DB 5:528.)
Feb. 23, 1884. Henderson & Lucy CHEEK to Francis B. CHEEK, 8 ½ acres on Little River near the top of Peach Bottom Mountain adj. Henderson CHEEK, F.B. CHEEK, HOPPERAS [HOPPERS], Isom WAGGONER, Jane WAGGONER, for $85. Signed: Henderson CHEEK, Lucy CHEEK. Wits: F.W. CHEEK, W.P. MAXWELL. Proved Nov. 26, 1884. (Alleghany DB 5:416.)
Feb. 26, 1884. Henderson CHEEK & wife Lucy to S. Jane WAGGONER, a tract of land on Little River [no acreage stated] adj. Isom REYNOLDS, W.B. CHEEK, & an agreed line btw. Jane WAGGONER & F.B. CHEEK, for $375. Signed: Henderson CHEEK, Lucy CHEEK. Wits: F.B. CHEEK, W.P. MAXWELL. Proved Nov. 26, 1884. Reg. Nov. 12, 1885. (Alleghany DB 6:1.)
Apr. 28, 1886. Henderson CHEEK & wife Lucy to their son Fielding W. CHEEK, a tract of land on the Little River [no acreage stated] beg. on corner of a 50 acre tract bought by Henderson CHEEK from John HOPPERS, adj. H.C. CHEEK, Isom REYNOLDS, S. Jane WAGONER, F.B. CHEEK, BARS? 200 acre tract, & Wm. CHEEK. For $850, love & affection. Signed: Henderson CHEEK, Lucy CHEEK. Wits: John C. EDWARDS, W.P. MAXWELL. Proved Feb. 14, 1887. Reg. Feb. 16, 1887. (Alleghany DB 7:354.)
Apr. 5, 1889. Henderson CHEEK & wife Lucy to Francis B. CHEEK, a tract of land [no acreage stated] beg. on top of Sheep Pen Ridge, adj. MAXWELL, F.B. CHEEK, for $86. Signed: Henderson CHEEK, Lucy CHEEK. Wits: F.W. CHEEK, W.P. MAXWELL. Proved Sept. 13, 1890 (ack'd). Reg. Dec. 8, 1890. (Alleghany DB 8:337.)
Henderson Cheek's Estate. Henderson's estate file contains records of the three tracts of land he owned at the time of his death in 1897. His children sold this land in 1906 after the death of their mother. The three tracts are described in the estate file as follows (NC Archives, Box No. CR.004.508.4):
- 99 acres & 56 poles on Little River adj. Solomon EDWARDS, Lucinda EDWARDS, C.G. FENDER, H.C. CHEEK, Wesley ROUP "& others". Purchased by Solomon EDWARDS & Caroline CHEEK for $15.50 per acre ($1,539.92 total). (See Alleghany DB 22:376.)
- 12 acres & 16 poles on headwaters of Elk Creek adj. W.B. CHEEK, F.W. CHEEK, & C.G. FENDER. Purchased by W.B. CHEEK for $8.50 per acre ($102.85 total).
- A "rough and rocky" tract containing about 1 ¼ acre beg. on F.W. CHEEK's corner (the old BASS corner) on the west side of Sheep Pen Ridge adj. J.R. SANDERS & the old MOXLEY line. Purchased by J.F. CHEEK for $1.25 total.
Nov. 26, 1906. H. Cary CHEEK, Comm'r under a decree of the Superior Court of Alleghany County in the special proceedings entitled "H.C. CHEEK & others devisees of Henderson CHEEK ex parte," to Solomon EDWARDS & Caroline CHEEK, a tract of land on Little River containing 95 acres & 56 poles, adj. H.C. CHEEK, Wesley ROUP, C.G. FENDER, Solomon EDWARDS, Lucinda EDWARDS, & others, for $1,539.92. Land was sold at public auction on July 21, 1906, pursuant to a decree of the Superior Court. Signed: H.C. CHEEK, Comm'r. Wits: F.R. WAGONER, Billie WAGONER. Proved Nov. 4, 1907 (ack'd). Reg. Nov. 12, 1907. (Alleghany DB 22:376.) Note estate file (see above) says this tract was 99 acres & 56 poles.