The Cheek/Chick DNA Project
Every male human being has a piece of DNA called the
Y-chromosome that he inherits only from his father. Through
the science of DNA testing, the Y-chromosomes from different men
can be compared to determine whether or not those men had a
common male ancestor. The benefit of this technology to
genealogy is obvious!
PLEASE NOTE: Due to other responsibilities, I am NOT updating this website any longer. However, the project is still active on Family Tree DNA and I will be happy to answer any questions and assist you in understanding how your results fit in with the rest of the project. I just can't keep the website up to date.
You can view updated results on the Family Tree DNA website at Cheek DNA Webpage
We recommend that you purchase either the 25-marker or 37-marker test. Please note that the administrators have no financial interest in the project; we do not receive commissions, "comps," expenses, or any other form of compensation or remuneration from the Family Tree DNA Company.
To protect the confidentiality of the participants, the administrator will not disclose anyone's name or personal identifying information. You have the option of making your name, email address, and results available to other participants through the FTDNA website
by signing the waiver form that comes with the test kit. The administrator does NOT have access to payment information, credit card numbers, etc. -- payment arrangements are strictly between you and the FTDNA company.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the
Cheek DNA Project Admistrator.