Richard "Dixie" Cheek -
Abstracts of Deeds
July 15, 1865. Phebe CHEEK, Thomas HIGGINS, Sarah HIGGINS, William CHEEK, Lucinda CHEEK, Elizabeth CHEEK, & Gilly CHEEK, to Richard CHEEK, 300 acres on headwaters of Crab Creek adj. COX. Signed: Phebe (X) CHEEK, Thomas HIGGINS, Sarah (X) HIGGINS, William CHEEK, Lucinda (X) CHEEK, Elizabeth (X) CHEEK, Gilly CHEEK. Wits: T.C. DOUGLAS, J.J. BLEVINS. Proved Apr. term 1867 by J.J. BLEVINS & T.C. DOUGLAS. (Alleghany DB 1:212.)
Dec. 30, 1872. Richard CHEEK, Jr., & wife Martha, to Ira GARVIS [JARVIS], a tract of land on west side of Little River [no acreage stated] adj. Gilley CHEEK, a ridge, & Elisabeth GARVIS, for $130. Signed: Richard CHEEK, Martha (X) CHEEK. [No wits.] Proved July 11, 1874 (ack'd). (Alleghany DB 2:203.)
Jan. 9, 1878. Ira JARVIS to Morgan EDWARDS & Richard CHEEK, [chattel mortgage], 1 gray mare, to secure $200 debt. Signed: Ira (X) JARVIS. Wit: E.L. VAUGHAN. Proved Jan. 9, 1878, by E.L. VAUGHAN. Reg. Jan. 29, 1878. (Alleghany DB 3:472.)
Dec. 19, 1878. Solomon CROUSE to Wm. EDWARDS, agreement concerning a racehorse called "the celebrated Manassen," formerly owned by Jas. HAMPTON & swapped for a filly which said CROUSE got off Richard CHEEK. The said CROUSE will turn Manassen over to William EDWARDS on Mar. 1, 1879, who will select the groom & territory for running the horse for the 1879 season; otherwise EDWARDS will have the right to sell Manussen to recover 1/2 of the book [winnings] for the 1878 season according to the books kept by Thos. EDWARDS. Signed: Solomon CROUSE. Wits: R.F. BALLARD, Joseph N. EDWARDS. Proved July 1, 1879, by J.N. EDWARDS. Reg. Jan. 1, 1879. [Margin note]:Mortgage satisfied Mar. 8, 1879. (Alleghany DB 4:197.)

Pleasant Home Baptist Church
Alleghany County, NC
Jan. 4?, 1881. Richard CHEEK & wife Martha to Henry RICHARDSON, 6 ¼ acres on Crab Creek adj. Henry RICHARDSON, for $50. Signed: Richard CHEEK, Martha (X) CHEEK. Wits: T.C. DOUGLAS, John A. (X) KILLEN. Proved Feb. 2, 1881, by the grantors. Reg. Dec. 21, 1885. (Alleghany DB 7:35.)
Jan. 12, 1881. Richard CHEEK & wife Martha to John KILLEN, 15 acres on Crab Creek, for $150. Signed: Richard CHEEK, Martha (X) CHEEK. Wit: T.C. DOUGLAS. Proved Nov. 2, 1881. (Alleghany DB 6:445.)
Mar. 10, 1882. Richard CHEEK to H.S. EDWARDS, mortgage on 300 acres on headwaters of Crab Creek known as the old John FENDER land, adj. COX and Cheek Lane, for $375.42; being the land that Richard CHEEK & Chesley CHEEK bought from Solomon TOLIVER. To be void if Richard CHEEK shall pay $375.42 to Celia JOHNSON according to the conditions of a certain bond or note payable to Celia JOHNSON for which H.S. EDWARDS is security. Signed: Richard CHEEK. Wit: W.C. FIELDS. Proved Mar. 11, 1882. (Alleghany DB 5:137.)
Oct. 14, 1885. Richard CHEEK & wife Martha to Wm. H. JOINS, adj. Henry RICHARDSON, ANDERS, CHEEK's old line, & the wagon road, to include 25 acres in the old tract, for $100. Signed: Richard CHEEK, Martha CHEEK. Wits: T.C. DOUGHTON. Proved Oct. 14, 1885. Reg. Dec. 25, 1888. (Alleghany DB 8:4.)
Mar. 21, 1888. Richard CHEEK & wife Martha & Green TODD & wife Sarah to Solomon WILLEY, 19 acres in Glade Creek Township adj. John EDWARDS & Alis MOXLEY. Signed: Richard CHEEK, Martha CHEEK, Green B. TODD, Sarah F. TODD. Proved Mar. 22, 1888. (Alleghany Co., NC, DB 8, pp.84-85.) (Alleghany DB 8:84.)
Sept. 4, 1889. W.S. GAMBILL, Sheriff of Alleghany County, to Solomon WILLEY, a tract of land adj. Richard CHEEK, Allen MOXLEY, & John EDWARDS, for $20. Land was seized from Richard CHEEK & sold pursuant to a judgment obtained in the case of KYLE[?] vs. Richard CHEEK. Signed: W.S. GAMBILL, Sheriff. Wit: R.A. DOUGHTON. Reg. Sept. 16, 1889. (Alleghany DB 8:100.)
Oct. 1, 1890. Richard CHEEK & wife Martha to Allen MOXLEY, 62 acres in Glade Creek Twp. adj. H.A. WOODRUFF, Meredith CHEEK, Eli RICHARDSON, & others, for $775. Signed: Richard CHEEK, Martha (X) CHEEK. Proved Nov. 1, 1890. Reg. Nov. 17, 1890. (Alleghany DB 8:319.)
Oct. 3, 1890. Richard CHEEK & wife Martha of Alleghany Co., NC, to H.A. WOODRUFF of Grayson Co., VA, 7 acres in Glade Creek Twp. on Crab Creek adj. Meredith CHEEK and H.A. WOODRUFF, for $25. Signed: Richard CHEEK, Martha (X) CHEEK. Proved Oct. 16, 1890. Reg. Oct. 17, 1890. (Alleghany DB 8:286.)
Nov. 17, 1892. Richard CHEEK & wife Martha to John MCMILLAN, a tract of land [no acreage stated] adj. the said Richard CHEEK, Crockett CHEEK, & the wagon road, for $87. Signed: Richard CHEEK, Martha (X) CHEEK. Wits: Morgan EDWARDS & G.B. TODD. Proved Nov. 17, 1892. Reg. Mar. 21, 1893. (Alleghany DB 9:195.)

Moccasin Creek,
Alleghany County, NC
May 16, 1893. Richard CHEEK, Jr., & wife Pattie to Robert CHEEK, 48 ¾ acres in Glade Creek Twp. in 2 tracts adj. Moccasin Creek, Richard CHEEK, Vincent EDWARDS, John R. COX, C.J. TOLIVER, G.R. COX's old line, John ANDERS' old line, a branch, & the big road. Signed: Richard CHEEK, Pattie (X) CHEEK. Wit: J.L. JOINES. Proved May 18, 1893. Reg. Feb. 15 ,1894. (Alleghany DB 9:438.)
May 16, 1893. Richard CHEEK, Jr., & wife Pattie to M.M. CHEEK, 52 acres in Glade Creek Twp. adj. CHEEK's old line, John FENDER, Vince EDWARDS, John MCMILLAN, & others, for $440. Signed: Richard CHEEK, Pattie (X) CHEEK. Wit: J.L. JOINES. Proved May 18, 1893. Reg. June 4, 1895. (Alleghany DB 10:77.)
Jan. 24, 1899. Richard CHEEK & wife Martha to Meredith CHEEK Jr., J.L. JOINES & C.M. CHEEK, 1 acre in Glade Creek Township adj. the Pleasant Home Church lot, Richard CHEEK, & J.L. JOINES, for $12. 1/4 interest to Meredith CHEEK, 1/4 to J.L. JOINES, and 1/4 to C.M. CHEEK. Signed: Richard CHEEK, Martha (X) CHEEK. Witness: Barney EVANS. Proved Jan. 27, 1899. Reg. Apr. 13, 1899. (Alleghany DB 13:9.)
Mar. 15, 1899. Richard CHEEK & wife Martha to R.E. CHEEK, 60 acres adj. Allen MOXLEY, Meredith CHEEK, Fanny RECTOR, Mrs. Mary BURNS, & Richard CHEEK, for $400. Signed: Richard CHEEK, Martha (X) CHEEK. Proved Apr. 1, 1899. Reg. May 15, 1899. (Alleghany DB 13:43.)
Apr. 16, 1900. Richard CHEEK & wife Martha to William JENNINGS, 2 acres in Glade Creek Twp. adj. Richard CHEEK, Pleasant Home Church lot, Pleasant Home store house lot, an old road, a drain, and the old Town road, including a spring, for $20. Signed: Richard CHEEK, Martha (X) CHEEK. Wit: R.E. (X) CHEEK. Proved May 14, 1900. Reg. May 25, 1900. (Alleghany DB 14:99.)
Apr. 30, 1902. Richard CHEEK & wife Martha to Wm. D. MOXLEY, 3/4 acre in Glade Creek Twp. adj. Mary BURRIS, Richard CHEEK, & Wm. D. MOXLEY, for $7.50. Signed: Richard CHEEK, Martha (X) CHEEK. Proved Apr. 30, 1902. Reg. May 10, 1902. (Alleghany DB 16:126.)
Jan. 6, 1903. Richard CHEEK & wife Martha, Meredith CHEEK & wife Margaret, & S.A. CHOATE & wife Laura, to Reed M. EDWARDS, one acre in Glade Creek Twp., adj. Richard CHEEK, Jr. and the Pleasant Home Church lot, for $150. This deed is to convey a three-fourth interest in said Pleasant Home store house lot and 3 bldgs. theron. Signed by all 6 grantors. Proved Jan. ?, 1903. Reg. Jan. 15, 1903. (Alleghany DB 16:556.)
Jan. 6, 1903. Richard CHEEK & wife Martha to Reed M. EDWARDS, 13 acres in Glade Creek Township adj. Vincent EDWARDS, W. MOXLEY, and the Pleasant Home store house, for $150. Signed: Richard CHEEK, Martha (X) CHEEK. Wit: M.B. COX. Proved Jan. 6, 1903. Reg. Jan. 15, 1903. (Alleghany DB 16:558.)
Jan. 8, 1903. Richard CHEEK & wife Martha to Reed L. CHEEK, 100 acres in Glade Creek Twp. adj. the Pleasant Home Church lot, John ANDERS, J.M. WAGONER, Wm. MOXLEY, Wm. JENNINGS, & M.B. COX, for $900. Richard CHEEK & wife Martha to have absolute use & control of said tract for their natural lives. Signed: Richard CHEEK, Martha (X) CHEEK. Wit: Emmett (X) CHEEK. Proved Jan. 8, 1903. Reg. Jan. 19, 1903. (Alleghany DB 16:567.)
Dec. 8, 1911. Richard CHEEK & wife Martha, R.L. CHEEK & wife Mallie, R.E. CHEEK & wife Cora, to A.M. EDWARDS, 59 acres adj. R.M. EDWARDS, a road, R.L. CHEEK, MOXLEY, H.C. NICHOLS, Mrs. BURRUS, for $1,749.25. Signed by the grantors. Proved Jan. 6, 1912. Reg. Mar. 12, 1912. (Alleghany DB 26:283.)