Benjamin Crouse, Jr. &
Araminta "Minty" Evans
Benjamin Crouse, Jr., son of either Benjamin CROUSE & Wady CHEEK or Stephen CROUSE & Elizabeth WAGONER, was born abt. 1831 in Ashe Co., NC, and was killed in action Sept. 30, 1864, Fort Harrison, VA. He married Araminta "Minty" Evans, abt. 1849. She might be the daughter of James EVANS & Margaret A. PUGH. She was born Mar. 4, 1826, in North Carolina, and died Jan. 27, 1910, in Alleghany Co., NC. Benjamin's place of burial is not known. Araminta is buried at the Union Primitive Baptist Church in Whitehead, Alleghany Co., NC.
Children of Benjamin Crouse & Araminta Evans:
- Nancy Crouse, b. Jan. 1850, Ashe Co., NC; d. aft. 1910; m. Calloway JOINES, son of Thomas JOINES, Jr., & Lydia HOPPERS, Dec. 20, 1892, Alleghany Co., NC (b. June 1832; d. 1912). No children.
- Elizabeth Crouse, b. Mar. 25, 1851, Ashe Co., NC; d. Oct. 3, 1932, Alleghany Co., NC; m. James William EVANS, son of John Weaver EVANS, Sr., & Emily BLEVINS, Sept. 25, 1880, Alleghany Co., NC (b. Nov. 24, 1858; d. Jan. 16, 1941); bur. Union Primitive Baptist Church, Whitehead, Alleghany Co., NC. Children: Emmett Evans (1883), Maurice Evans (1886), John H. Evans (1889), Laura J. Evans (1892).
- Martin Alexander Crouse, b. Jan. 5, 1853, Ashe Co., NC; d. Dec. 29, 1913, Alleghany Co., NC; m. Nancy Adeline HILL, daughter of David & Catherine HILL, Mar. 29, 1871, Alleghany Co., NC (b. July 20, 1849; d. Nov. 19, 1923); bur. Charlie Crouse Cemetery, Rd. 1327 near Mt. Zion Church, Alleghany Co., NC. Children: John H. Crouse (c.1867), Albert Crouse (c.1870), Arthur Crouse (c.1873), Asa Viola Crouse (c.1874), Laura Jane Crouse (c.1876), Martie May Crouse (1878), Leonor Leota Crouse (c.1880), Oscar Crouse (1882), Cora V. Crouse (1884), Walter Crouse (1886, d. young), Lonnie Crouse (1889).
- James W. Crouse, b. May 20, 1854, Ashe Co., NC; d. Nov. 10, 1891, Alleghany Co., NC; m. Frances "Frankie" ANDREWS, daughter of Leander ANDREWS & Phariba CAUDILL, Mar. 2, 1872, Alleghany Co., NC (b. abt. 1854; d. Mar. 17, 1931); bur. Antioch Primitive Baptist Church, Alleghany Co., NC. Children: Mary Ann Crouse (1874) m. Henderson JOINES; Martha Crouse (c.1876), Alice Crouse (c.1877), Rosa Crouse (1880), Ennice Crouse (c.1894), Cynthia Crouse, Robert Crouse, Walter Crouse.
- Margaret E. Crouse, b. Aug. 7, 1857, Ashe Co., NC; d. May 30, 1917, Alleghany Co., NC; m. Kirby Smith ATWOOD, son of Nathan ATWOOD & Cathany HILL, Oct. 11, 1882, Alleghany Co., NC (b. July 5, 1861; d. Oct. 17, 1934); bur. Union Primitive Baptist Church, Whitehead, Alleghany Co., NC. Children: Gilbert Atwood (c.1887), Mintie A. Atwood (c.1892), Cora Ida Atwood (1893), Caloway Atwood (c.1895), Effie Atwood (c.1900).
- Joshua Crouse, b. Jan. 11, 1860, Ashe/Alleghany Co., NC; d. Dec. 5, 1927, Alleghany Co., NC; m. Drucy PARSONS, daughter of Craig & Alfy PARSONS, Dec. 28, 1878, Alleghany Co., NC (b. abt. 1862; d. unk.); bur. Mount Zion United Methodist Church, Alleghany Co., NC.
enjamin Crouse, Jr., may have been a son of either
Benjamin Crouse, Sr., & Wady Cheek or Stephen Crouse & Elizabeth Wagoner of Alleghany County, NC. According to the 1840 census, Benjamin (Sr.) and Stephen Crouse both had sons born between 1831-1835 who have never been identified. Benjamin and Stephen were brothers whose families lived near each other in the Blue Ridge Mountains of southern Gap Civil Township (now Whitehead Township) in Alleghany County, NC, in the area around Pine Swamp Creek and the No Head Branch of the Little River. Benjamin Crouse, Jr., lived in the same area, and was neighbors of people associated with both Benjamin Crouse Sr. and Stephen Crouse.
Benjamin Crouse, Jr. married Araminta "Minty" EVANS abt. 1849, based on the ages of their children. Araminta's maiden name comes from the death certificate of her son Martin Alexander Crouse. She might have been the daughter of James EVANS and Margaret A. PUGH of Ashe (Alleghany) County. According to the 1830 County census, James Evans had 2 daughters born between 1825-1830 who have not been identified. Araminta Evans was born in 1826, so she could be one of these unidentified daughters. In addition, it's interesting to note that Margaret A. Pugh's parents were Julian PUGH and his wife Araminta. In other words, Araminta Evans may have been named after her grandmother Araminta! There are also several connections between the Crouse and Evans families. In the 1860 Census of Alleghany County, Benjamin Jr. and Araminta Crouse are listed on the same page as S.J. (Sanders Jackson) EVANS, who was a son of James Evans and Margaret A. Pugh. Sanders Jackson Evans was married to Stephen Crouse's daughter Frances Crouse. Finally, Benjamin Jr. and Araminta Crouse's daughter Elizabeth married an Evans.
Benjamin Crouse died in action during the Civil War at Fort Harrison, Virgina, on Sept. 30, 1864. Twenty-five years later, on May 11, 1889, Araminta Crouse filed a petition in the Alleghany County Court to be awarded her dower interest in her late husband's property (i.e., her right to one-third of the land for the remainder of her natural life). The petition identifies Benjamin Crouse's heirs as Martin A. CROUSE, James W. CROUSE, Joshua CROUSE, Nancy CROUSE, Elizabeth CROUSE who married William EVANS, and Margaret CROUSE who married K.S. ATWOOD. The land in question is described as 4 tracts containing in all 188 acres, known as the Ben CROUSE or Mintie CROUSE lands, adjoining Thomas CLARY, "the Ore Bank land," Daniel JOINES, J.C. RECTOR, N.A. MOXLEY, and Jacob COMBS. The 1st tract begins on THOMPSON's old corner. The 2nd tract begins on THOMPSON's old corner and adjoins Benjamin CROUSE's old line and the old WHITED [WHITEHEAD] line. The 3rd tract adjoins CLARY's line. The 4th tract begins in the Stephen CROUSE line and adjoins the LENOIR line and a branch. The outcome of the petition is not contained in the file. (NC Archives Box No. C.R.004.508.5.)
- 1850 Census, Ashe Co., NC, p.256 (HH#277):
BENJ. CROWS, 19, farmer, $150, NC - -- Araminta, 23, NC
- -- Nancy, 6/12, NC
- 1860 Census, Ashe Co., NC, Gap Civil Twp., p.199/p.398
BENJ. CROUSE, 30, farmer, $500, $500, NC - -- Arminta, 34, NC
- -- Nancy, 10, NC
- -- Elisabeth, 8, NC
- -- Martin A., 6, NC
- -- James W., 4, NC
- -- Peggy E., 2, NC
- -- Joshua, 6 mos., NC
1860 Census, Agricultural Schedule, Alleghany Co., NC:
BENJ. KRAUS, 100 acres improved land, 50 acres unimproved land,
value of farm $500, value of farm implements $15, 3 horses, 0
asses/mules, 5 milch cows, 0 working oxen, 4 other cattle, 23
sheep, 13 swine, value of livestock $380. (Source:
New River Notes)
Civil War: Benjamin CROUSE served in Co. I, 61st NC Infantry. Enlisted as a private on May 3, 1862, at the age of 32. Resident of Ashe Co., NC. On rolls Nov. 15, 1862. On rolls Apr. 15, 1863. Detailed May 12, 1863, to arrest deserters. Returned June 30, 1863. Wounded in face and head on Aug. 26, 1863, at Morris Island, SC. Returned Sept. 1, 1863. On rolls Apr. 30, 1864. Killed in action on Sept. 30, 1864, in Fort Harrison, VA. (Source: "American Civil War Soldiers,"
- 1870 Census, Alleghany Co., NC, Gap Civil Twp., p.260
ARAMINTA CROUSE, 45, $600, $289, NC, keeping house - -- Nancy, 21, NC
- -- Elisabeth, 19, NC
- -- James, 16, NC
- -- Margritt, 13, NC
- -- Joshua, 10, NC
Note: in 1870, son Martin A. Crouse (age 18) was living with the family of his future wife Nancy Adeline HILL in Prather's Creek Twp.
- 1880 Census, Alleghany Co., NC, Gap Civil Twp.
MINTY CROUSE, widow, 52, NC NC NC - -- Nancy, dau, 30, " " "
- -- Margaret, dau, 22, " " "
- -- Joshua, son, 20, " " "
- -- Drucy, dau-in-law, 18, " " "
Deed Abstracts
Mar. 10, 1869. Land belonging to Miny CROUSE is mentioned in a deed from Josiah CAUDILL & wife Elizabeth to A.J. WAGONER & wife Nancy for a tract of land on Little River & No Head branch in Alleghany County. (Alleghany DB 1:268.)
Nov. 22, 1873. Alleghany Co., NC. State of NC to D.A. SPURLIN, 390 acres on Pine Swamp Creek adj. Ezekiel JOINES, David LANDRETH, & Minta CROWSE. Entered Dec. 27, 1871. (Alleghany Land Grant No. 51, DB 2:378.)
Nov. 29, 1880. Wm. EVANS & wife Elizabeth to James CROUSE, all their interest in a tract of land of Benjamin CROUSE, dec'd, that Minty CROUSE & James CROUSE now live on, adj. A.J. EDWARDS, for $80. Signed: Wm. EVINS, Elizabeth EVINS. Wit: [illegible]. Proved Nov. 29, 1880, by the grantors; A.J. WAGGONER, J.P. (Alleghany DB 8:552.)
Mar. 6, 1885. M.A. CROUSE & wife Nancy, & Joshua CROUSE & wife Drusy N., to Nancy CROUSE & Margaret C. ATWOOD, for $160, all their interest & ownership in a tract of land on Little River [no acreage stated], adj. Eli COX, CAUDILL, & BRACKINS. Except 25 acres now owned by the mother of said parties. Signed: Martin A. CROUSE, Nancy A. (X) CROUSE, Joshua CROUSE, Drucy N. (X) CROUSE. Proved Mar. 6, 1885, by the grantors. Reg. Dec. 28, 1885. (Alleghany DB 6:263.)
Dec. 27, 1886. Nancy CROUSE to Kerby ATWOOD & wife Margaret, her interest in 4 tracts of land adj. A.J. WAGGONER, the Ore Bank lands, Daniel JOINES, J.C. RECTOR, Thomas RECTOR, Nathaniel MOXLEY "& others" for $300. 1st tract: beg. THOMPSON's old corner. 2nd tract: beg. THOMPSON's corner adj. Benjamin CROUSE, the old WHITEHEAD line, to the 3rd tract adj. WAGGONER. 4th tract: beg. on a branch in Stephen CROUSE's field adj. LANOER[?] [LENOIR]. Signed: Nancy (X) CROUSE. Wit: John WHITEHEAD. Proved Jan. 10, 1887, by John WHITEHEAD. Reg. Jan. 10, 1887. (Alleghany DB 7:348.)
May 23, 1889. Kerby ATWOOD & wife Margret to Minty CROUSE, 30 acres adj. Henderson JOINES, Nathaniel MOXLEY, & Jacob COMES, for $200. Signed: Kirby S. ATWOOD, Margret (X) ATWOOD. Proved May 23, 1889. Reg. May 24, 1889. (Alleghany DB 8:63.)