Haywood Thomas Edwards
of Alleghany County, NC
Haywood Thomas Edwards, son of Berry EDWARDS, Sr., & Ruth DAVIS, was born Aug. 8, 1824, in Ashe Co., NC, and died Oct. 17, 1894, in Alleghany Co., NC. He married (1) Jane "Jennie" Landreth, abt. 1847. She was born abt. 1833 and died between 1850-1853 in Ashe Co., NC. He married (2) Lucinda Carr, daughter of Thomas CARR & Elizabeth PORTER, Oct. 20, 1853, Ashe Co., NC. She was born May 1836 in Grayson Co., VA, and died 1903 in Alleghany Co., NC. Haywood T. Edwards is buried at the Center Edwards Cemetery, located off Hwy. 21, 1 ½ miles north of Sparta, Alleghany Co., NC. Jane Edwards' burial place unknown. Lucinda Edwards is buried at the Columbus F. Edwards Cemetery, Road 1418, Alleghany Co., NC.
Children of Haywood T. Edwards & Jane "Jennie" Landreth:
- +Caroline Edwards, b. Nov. 5, 1847, Ashe Co., NC; d. May 31, 1925, Alleghany Co., NC; m. David EDWARDS, son of Isaac EDWARDS & Gilley CHEEK, Dec. 15, 1865, Alleghany Co., NC (b. Jan. 17, 1844; d. Sept. 3, 1931); bur. Edwards & Maines Cemetery, Rd. 1405, Alleghany Co., NC.
- +Matilda Edwards, b. Jan. 5, 1850, Ashe Co., NC; d. Mar. 9, 1925, Alleghany Co., NC; m. John CHOATE, son of William Thomas CHOATE & Martha "Patsy" FENDER, abt. 1868 (b. May 27, 1852; d. June 17, 1939); bur. Sparta Memorial Park, Alleghany Co., NC.
Children of Haywood T. Edwards & Lucinda Carr:
- James Morris Edwards, b. May 11, 1855, Ashe Co., NC; d. Apr. 25, 1885, Alleghany Co., NC; m. Lydia Alice LONG, daughter of John R. LONG & Mary ABSHER, Apr. 26, 1876, Alleghany Co., NC; bur. Center Edwards Cemetery, Alleghany Co., NC. Lydia m. (2) William BRACKINS.
- Columbus Franklin Edwards, b. Oct. 2, 1856, Ashe Co., NC; d. Jan. 3, 1933, Alleghany Co., NC; m. Emily Caroline JOHNSON, abt. 1885 (b. Jan. 1861; d. ?); bur. Columbus F. Edwards Cemetery, Rd. 1418, Alleghany Co., NC.
- Rosamond (Rosa) Jane Edwards, b. May 21, 1858, Ashe Co., NC; d. bet. 1920-1930, Grayson Co., VA; m. Alexander Chapman RECTOR, son of Bennett RECTOR & Saraphina (Sophina) COLLINS of Grayson Co., VA, Jan. 23, 1881, Alleghany Co, NC (b. abt. 1861; d. aft. 1930).
- Laura Ann Edwards, b. Feb. 12, 1862, Alleghany Co., NC; d. Mar. 16, 1952, Alleghany Co., NC; m. Sowell Andrew CHOATE, son of William Thomas CHOATE, Sr., & Martha "Patsy" FENDER, Mar. 9, 1882, Alleghany Co., NC (b. Oct. 28, 1861; d. 1942); bur. Sparta Memorial Park, Alleghany Co., NC.
- Charles William Edwards, b. Mar. 10, 1864, Alleghany Co., NC; d. Dec. 13, 1939, Alleghany Co., NC; m. Phoebe Jane EDWARDS, daughter of Isom C. EDWARDS & Linea "Linnie" HACKLER, Sept. 9, 1888, Alleghany Co., NC (b. Sept. 28, 1868; d. Dec. 6, 1933); bur. Columbus F. Edwards Cemetery, Rd. 1418, Alleghany Co., NC.
- 1850 Census, Ashe Co., NC, p.254 (HH#234):
HAYWOOD EDWARDS, age 23, farmer, b. in NC - -- Jane, 17, NC
- -- Caroline, 3, NC
- -- Matilda, 7 mos., NC
- Matilda BASS, 21, NC
- Jackson LANDRETH, 17, NC
- 1860 Census, Alleghany Co., NC, p.209/p.418 (HH#532):
HAYWOOD EDWARDS, 36, farmer, $1500, $600, NC - -- Lucinda, 23, NC
-- Caroline, 12, NC
-- Matilda, 10, NC
-- James M., 5, NC
-- Columbus F., 5, NC
-- Rosamond J., 2, NC
ROSEN, Jane, 20, NC
1860 Census, Agricultural Schedule, Alleghany Co., NC:
HAYWOOD EDWARDS: 125 acres improved land, 425 acres unimproved
land, value of farm $1,500, value of farm implements $60, 2
horses, 0 asses/mules, 5 milch cows, 0 working oxen, 9 other
cattle, 12 sheep, 25 swine, value of livestock $341. (Source: New River Notes)
Note: They seem to be listed twice in 1870:
- 1870 Census, Alleghany Co., NC, Gap Civil Twp.
HAYWOOD EDWARDS, 50, NC - -- Lucinda, 35, VA
-- Morris, 15, NC
-- Columbus, 14, NC
-- Rosey, 13, NC
-- Laura, 8, NC
-- William, 5, NC
- 1870 Census, Alleghany Co., NC, Gap Civil Twp.
HAYWOOD EDWARDS, 47, NC - -- Lucinda, 32, NC
-- James, 15, NC
-- Thomas, 14, NC
-- Rosey, 12, NC
-- Sarah, 9, NC
-- Charles, 6, NC
- 1880 Census, Alleghany Co., NC, Gap Civil Twp.
HAYWOOD EDWARDS, 53 [63?], farmer, NC NC NC - -- Lucinda, 43, wife, NC NC NC
-- Columbus, 23, son, " " "
-- Nancy, 20, dau, " " "
-- Laura, 18, dau, " " "
-- Charles, 15, son, " " "
CARR, Betsy, 76, mother, " " "
1895. The estate of Haywood EDWARDS was probated in Alleghany Co., NC, in 1895. (NC Archives Box No. CR.004.508.8.)
Deed Abstracts
Jan. 6, 1845. State of NC to Haywood EDWARDS, 50 acres in Ashe County beg. in the rye field in Berry EDWARDS line. Entered Sept. 25, 1842. Reg. Dec. 31, 1903. (Land Grant No. 4087; Alleghany DB 17:507.)
May 17, 1851. B. EDWARDS to Haywood EDWARDS, a tract of land [no acreage stated] adj. a cond'l fence between Thomas REYNOLDS & Hiram ESBRAYE?, for $100. Signed: B. EDWARDS. Wits: Allen FENDER, Center EDWARDS. Proved Sept. 22, 1869 (ack'd). (Alleghany DB 1:424.)
Feb. 28, 1852. Samuel WILLEY to Haywood EDWARDS, 25 acres. adj. Haywood EDWARDS' own line, the BROWN field, Thomas REYNOLDS, WILLEY's own corner, for $87. Signed: Samuel (X) WILLEY. Wits: B. EDWARDS, Jackson (X) LANDRETH. Proved Sept. 26, 1869 (ack'd). (Alleghany DB 1:426.)
Aug. 24, 1859. Allen TOLIVER & John W. CHOAT to Haywood EDWARDS, 110 acres on Vial [Vile] Creek beg. on top of the knob, adj. the road, the old line, Joshua EDWARDS, Haywood EDWARDS, a branch, the old line, Wiley FENDER, the ridge field, a spring near the road in the orchard, the old meadow, the edge of the swamp, & W.T. CHOAT, for $385. Signed: Allen (X) TOLIVER, John W. (X) CHOAT. Wits: J.J. TAFFER, Joshua EDWARDS. Proved Sept. 26, 1869, by Robert GAMBILL from Joshua EDWARDS' handwriting. (Alleghany DB 1:424.)
Apr. 30, 1867. Haywood EDWARDS to David EDWARDS, 50 acres north side of Peach Bottom Mountain adj. the big field, the old John BURTON line, & a deep hollow, for $100. "Granted to Haywood EDWARDS in 1845, No. 4087." [DB 17:507] Signed: H. EDWARDS. Wits: Starlin EDWARDS, B. EDWARDS, Jr. Proved July 24, 1869, by Starlin EDWARDS. (Alleghany DB 1:355.)
Sept. 26, 1873. Daniel HOLLOWAY & wife Polly to Haywood EDWARDS, 205 acres on Big Buck Knob & Bledsoes Creek adj. a cond'l line between D. HOLLOWAY & G.D. REYNOLDS, James H. PARKS, the wagon road, & top of the ridge, for $800. Signed: Daniel HOLLOWAY, Polly (X) HOLLOWAY. [No wits.] Proved Dec. 15, 1873 (ack'd). (Alleghany DB 2:104.)
Jan. 17, 1878. Haywood EDWARDS & wife Lucinda to J. Morris EDWARDS, a tract of land on Big Buck Knob on waters of Bledsoes Creek [no acreage stated], adj. Haywood EDWARDS, a spring, a cond'l line between D. HOLLOWAY & G.D. REYNOLDS, James H. PARKS, the wagon road, & top of the ridge, for $400. Signed: H. EDWARDS, Lucinda (X) EDWARDS. Wits: T.J. HACKLER, C.F. EDWARD. Proved Aug. 27, 1878 (ack'd). (Alleghany DB 2:519.)
May 9, 1888. Starling EDWARDS, C.J. EDWARDS & wife Jane, Berry EDWARDS & wife Amanda, and W.B. CHEEK & wife Jane, to Haywood EDWARDS, for $200, a tract of land in Gap Civil Twp. adj. H.F. JONES, R.A. DOUGHTON, & others, being Town Lot No. 3 as originally sold and now No. 1 on north side of Main Street east of the new Court House, adj. E.L. VAUGHAN's office, the town boundary, & R.A. DOUGHTON, known as the J.T. HAWTHORNE town lot at the intersection of the Independence or Wagoner Gap Road and Main Street. Signed: Starlin EDWARDS, B. EDWARDS, Amanda (X) EDWARDS, W.B. CHEEK, Jane CHEEK, C.J. EDWARDS, Jane EDWARDS. [No wits.] Proved May 10, 1888, & July 28, 1888 (ack'd). Wm. H. JOINES, J.P., H.D. ESTEP, J.P. Reg. Apr. 15, 1895. (Alleghany DB 10:167.)