Jesse Toliver -
Abstracts of Records
June 3, 1778. Wilkes Co., NC. Jesse TOLOVER entered 60 acres both sides Mulberry Creek just above Moses TOLIVER. (Wilkes Land Entry Book, No. 157.)
June 3, 1778. Wilkes Co., NC. Jesse TOLOVER entered 300 acres on Mulberry waters on both sides of road leading from John ROBBINS, Sr. over to Roaring River Settlement, being improvement John TOLOVER, Sr. now lives on. (Wilkes Land Entry Book, No. 159.)
June 6, 1778. Wilkes Co., NC. Joseph HERNDON entered 200 acres on waters of Mulberry Creek, at foot of small mountain that divides Mulberry and Roaring River waters, being an improvement that said HERNDON recently bought of Jesse TOLLIVER. (Joseph HERNDON marked out; Ezekial BARKER written in.) (Wilkes Land Entry Book, No. 181.)
June 17, 1778. Wilkes Co., NC. Joseph HERNDON entered 100 acres at the head of Mulberry waters at foot of small Piney Mountain that divides Roreing River waters and Mulberry waters, joining a peace of land lately purchased of Jesse TOLOVER. (Wilkes Land Entry Book, No. 195.)

Part of Wilkes County, NC
from an 1833 map
Dec. 30, 1778. Wilkes Co., NC. John ROBBINS, Sr., entered 300 acres north side of Mulberry Creek at Jesse TOLEVOR's line. (Wilkes Land Entry Book, No.650.)
June 12, 1779. Wilkes Co., NC. Moses TOLOVER entered 100 acres at branch of Mulberry Creek below Jesse TOLOVER's lower corner. (Wilkes Land Entry Book No. 1035.)
June 13, 1779. Wilkes Co., NC. Joseph HERNDON entered 200 acres on Mulberry Creek just below said Herndon's entry that he bought of Jesse TOLOVER. (Wilkes Land Entry Book No. 1033.)
Sept. 24, 1779. Wilkes Co., NC. State of NC to Jesse TOLIVER, 60 acres, both sides of Mulberry Creek, a little above Moses TOLIVER's entry. (Wilkes DB A-1:78.)
June 9, 1780. Wilkes Co., NC. Jesse TOLIVER entered 50 acres mouth of [torn] second long branch. (Wilkes Land Entry Book, No.1869.)
1780, Wilkes Co., NC. Jesse TOLIVER fathered a child out of wedlock with Lucy ROBINS. Moses TOLIVER and Hilliar ROUSSEAU posted a "bastardy bond" for the child on June 6, 1780. This required them to reimburse the county should it incur any expenses in supporting the child. Wilkes Co. court records indicate that Lucy ROBINS died in 1787 and her daughter Elizabeth was "bound out" to Thomas ROBINS till age 18 to learn to spin, read, and write.
Apr. 9, 1783. Wilkes Co., NC. Jesse TOLIVER to George BARKER, 59 acres adj. waters of Mulberry Creek and Wm JOHNSON's line, for £20. Wit: Wm. JOHNSON, Thomas JOHNSON, Temperance JOHNSON. Signed: Jesse (X) TOLIVER [his mark]. (Wilkes DB A-1:387.)
Apr. 28, 1783. Wilkes Co., NC. Jesse TOLIVER to Joseph TANNER, 60 acres on Mulberry Creek, for £50. Wit: Richard ALLEN, Wm. JOHNSON, Philemon HOLCOMB. Signed: Jesse (X) TOLIVER [his mark]. (Wilkes DB A-1:255.)
Apr. 28, 1783. Wilkes Co., NC. Jesse TOLIVER to Thomas JOHNSON, 241 acres on waters of Mulberry Creek near Round Top Mountain, condt. line between TOLIVER and George BARKER, for £40. Wit: Wm. JOHNSON, John THAXTEN, Alexander JOHNSON. Signed: JESSE (X) TOLIVER [his mark]. (Wilkes DB A-1:382.)
1787 Tax List, Wilkes Co., NC. JESSE TOLIVER, one poll.
1787 State Census, Wilkes Co., NC, Capt. Noll's Dist. Jesse TOLLAFARO, 1 male 21-60, 4 females.
July 30, 1789. Ordered Jesse TOLIVER overseer road from Elk Creek to Clisby COBB's field near Little River & hands between Elk Creek & Virginia line work thereon. (Wilkes Court Minutes.)
Note: Elk Creek and the Little River are beyond the crest of the Blue Ridge in the part of Wilkes County that became Ashe County in 1799, and Alleghany County in 1859.
- 1790 Census, Wilkes Co., NC: Jesse TOLIVER
- 1 white male over 16
- 4 white females
- No slaves
Dec. 15, 1792. Wilkes Co., NC. Philip JOHNSON to Benjamin SEBASTIAN, 241 acres on waters of Mulberry Creek, land that Thomas Johnson purchased of Jesse TOLIVER. (Wilkes DB B-1:378.)
May 7, 1795. Wilkes Co., NC. Thomas ROBINS, Admr., to John FORISTER, 300 acres north side Mulberry Creek adj. Jesse TOLIVER's line. (Wilkes DB A-1:196.)
Nov. 1, 1798. Wilkes Co., NC. Moses TOLIVER to Jesse TOLIVER, 150 acres on New River, part of 300 acre tract, for £50. Wit: A. ROBINETT, Rowland JUDD, Robert NALL. Signed: Moses TOLIVER. (Wilkes DB D-1:448.)
Note: the reference to the New River indicates the above land was located in the part of Wilkes County that became Ashe and later Alleghany County.

The Peach Bottom Mountains
Alleghany County, NC
Ashe County was created from Wilkes County in 1799.
1800 Census, Ashe Co., NC: JESSE TOLLIVER
1 w/m under 10 | 2 w/f under 10 |
1 w/m 10-15 | 1 w/f 10-15 |
1 w/m 26-45 | 1 w/f 16-26 |
2 slaves | 1 w/f 26-45 |
Nov. 16, 1801. Ashe Co., NC. State of NC to Jesse TOLIVER, 300 acres on Little River in Ashe County on a branch of Bledsoes Creek. Entered Apr. 3, 1799. (NC Archives Land Warrants & Plats, File No. 68, Folder No., Grant No. 102, Book 111:172.)
Nov. 23, 1801. Ashe Co., NC. State of NC to Jesse TOLIVER, 100 acres in Ashe County beg. in his old line near a branch of Bledsoes Creek, adj. Charles TOLIVER, on a little branch of "Bleatch Prices" near Jeter HART's Hunting Camp running south along south side of Peach Bottom Mountain. Entered Apr. 5, 1800. (NC Archives Land Warrants & Plats, File No. 81, Folder No., Grant No. 115, Book 111:176.)
Nov. 27, 1804. Ashe Co., NC. State of NC to Jesse TOLIVER, 200 acres in Ashe County on Dog Creek near head down to Burton Creek. Entered Nov. 9, 1801. (NC Archives Land Warrants & Plats, File No. 508, Folder No., Grant No. 502, Book 118:417.)
Nov. 27, 1804. Ashe Co., NC. State of NC to Jesse TOLIVER, 100 acres in Ashe County on Jewel Swamp Creek, south side of Peach Bottom Mountain at foot of Bald Knob. Entered Nov. 9, 1801. (NC Archives Land Warrants & Plats, File No. 509, Folder No., Grant No. 503, Book 118:418.)
Nov. 26, 1805. Ashe Co., NC. State of NC to Jesse TOLIVER, 100 acres in Ashe County on south side of Peach Bottom Mountain on Blechers [Bleachers] Creek near Wm. MAXWELL's towards Charles TOLIVER's. Entered Aug. 8, 1800. (NC Archives Land Warrants & Plats, File No. 556, Folder No., Grant No. 548, Book 121:2.)
May 1806, Ashe Co., NC, Court Minutes. "A deed from Jesse TOLLIVER to Joseph DOUGHTON for 100 acres was duly proven in open court by William LEWIS."
Nov. 1806, Ashe Co., NC, Court Minutes. "Ordered by the court that Allen WOODRUFF, Francis BRYAN, John WILLIAMS, Adam WAGGONER, Henry WAGGONER, Starling EDWARDS, Nimrod FENDER, John CONNOLLY, Wm. MOXLEY, Abram MILLAR, Jno. BURTON, Cornelius VANOVER, Jesse TOLLIVER, Wm. EDWARDS, Jesse TOLLIVER, Joshua CARTER and James MAXWELL or any 12 of them be a jury to view and lay of a road from HAPPERSON's [HOPPERS?] road between little river and Glad [Glade] creek the most convenient way by MAXWELL's Mill into the road from Elk Spur to the furnace & make report &c."
Nov. 28, 1807. Ashe Co., NC. State of NC to Jesse TOLIVER, 100 acres in Ashe County on Jewel Swamp of Little River near head of Jewel Creek. Entered May 7, 1805. (NC Archives Land Warrants & Plats, File No. 700, Folder No., Grant No. 694, Book 123:59.)
1810 Census, Ashe Co., NC.: JESSE TOLIVER
1 w/m under 10 | 1 w/f under 10 |
2 w/m 10-15 | 1 w/f 10-15 |
2 w/m 16-25 | 2 w/f 16-25 |
1 w/m over 45 | 1 w/f over 45 |
no slaves |
1815 Tax List, Ashe Co., NC: JESSE TOLLIVER, 600 acres in Captain William's Dist. worth $200, and 2 Black persons.
Sept. 10, 1817. Ashe Co., NC. Richard WILLIAMS to Jesse TOLIVER, 2 tracts in Ashe County, for $250. 1st tract: 300 acres on Glade Creek adj. John MCBRIDE. 2nd tract: 100 acres adj. his old line. Signed: Richard WILLIAMS. Wits: John TOLIVER, John FENDER. Proved Nov. term 1819 by John TOLIVER. Certified copy from Register of Ashe Co. dated Mar. 13, 1901. Reg. in Alleghany Co. on Apr. 15, 1901. (Alleghany DB 15:105-107.)
1820 Census, Ashe Co., NC, p.24: JESE TOLIVER [listed
next to his father-in-law Joshua Stamper]
1 w/m 18-25 | 2 w/f 10-15 |
1 w/m over 45 | 1 w/f over 45 |
1830 Census, Ashe Co., NC, p.32: JESSE TOLIVER
1 w/m under 5 | 1 w/f under 5 |
2 w/m 20-29 | 1 w/f 20-29 |
1 w/m 70-79 | 1 w/f 60-69 |
Mar. 1, 1834. Ashe Co., NC. Jesse TOLIVER applied for a Revolutionary War Pension. (NARA Pension File No. W4086.) His pension was granted and he appears on the 1834 pension roll for Ashe Co., NC: JESSE TOLIVER, Private, N.C. Continual Allowance, $55.00 annual, pension started April 4, 1834, age 78.
1840 Census, Ashe Co., NC. Jesse's widow Franky Toliver is probably the female age 70-79 listed in the household of her son Hiram TOLIVER (Ashe Co., NC, census p.8).
Note: the following deed executed after the death of Jesse Toliver's son John Toliver refers to some parcels of land originally owned by Jesse Toliver.
Sept. 24, 1842. Ashe Co., NC. George BOWER, Clerk & Master of Equity of Ashe Co., NC, to Berry EDWARDS, 8 tracts of land on Bledsoes Creek formerly belonging to John TOLIVER, dec'd, for $900; sold at public auction by court decree on petition of heirs of John TOLIVER, dec'd (Hiram, Tobias, Patience, Marthy, Jane, Isham, Eli, Francis, & Levi TOLIVER, & Thursy PHIPPS wife of Matthew PHIPPS). 1st tract: 150 acres granted John MCMILLAN adj. an old path. 2nd: 100 acres granted John MCMILLAN on top of Peach Bottom Mountain & south side of the mountain. 3rd: 100 acres granted John MCMILLAN near Bledsoes Creek. 4th: 100 acres granted Charles TOLIVER adj. gap of Peach Bottom Mountain near the head of the middle fork of Fiting [Fighting] Creek, south side of the mountain. 5th: 100 acres granted Jessy TOLIVER adj. his old line & Charles TOLIVER. 6th: 300 acres granted Jessy TOLIVER on Little River & a branch of Bledsoes Creek. 7th: 100 acres granted William BURTON adj. Richard BURTON. 8th: 100 acres granted John TOLIVER adj. Jessy TOLIVER & Charles TOLIVER. Signed: Geo. BOWER, Clerk & Master. Proved Apr. 28, 1869, by Rob. GAMBIL from George BOWER's handwriting. (Alleghany DB 1:242.)
Oct. 17, 1843. Ashe Co., NC. Heirs of Young EDWARDS, Sr. to Stralin [Starlin] TOLIVER, 100 acres in Ashe Co., NC, beginning on a chestnut on top of Little Mountain near Jesse TOLIVER line. Proved Sept. 28, 1869. (Alleghany DB 1:380.)
1850 Census, Ashe Co., NC. Franky was 82 years old and living with her son Solomon TOLIVER. (Ashe Co., NC, Census, p.240.)
See also Alleghany County Heritage (Alleghany Co.
Hist.-Gen. Society, 1983), p.479.
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