Randolph Cheek
of Moore & Chatham Co., NC
Randolph or Randall Cheek, son of Richard CHEEK, Sr., & Jane RANDLE(?), was probably born between 1730-1735 in Virginia or North Carolina and reportedly died Feb. 1, 1816, in Chatham Co., NC. The name of his wife is unknown. Randolph Cheek is reportedly buried in a family cemetery on the east side of Dickerson Ford Road northwest of Glendon, Moore Co., NC, north of the Deep River, very close to the Chatham Co. line.
Children of Randolph Cheek:
- +John Cheek, b. abt. 1760-1770; d. 1836, Moore Co., NC; m. (1) unknown; (2) Bethana or Bethania __ (b. May 9, 1813; d. Aug. 31, 1898); bur. Cheek Family Cemetery, Dickerson Ford Road near Glendon, Moore Co., NC.
- +Joab Cheek, b. 1765-1775; d. 1827, Moore Co., NC; m. Mary BROOKS (b. 1755-1765; d. aft. 1827).
- Mary Cheek
- Jane Cheek, m. Benjamin GILBERT. They had a son, Joseph Gilbert (b. 1795, m. Polly YOUNGER), and 8 daughters. One daughter married a MARTIN, one a TEAGUE, one a CHEEK, and one an ELKINS. Most of the daughters moved west.
- Patty Cheek, m. __ PHILLIPS.
- Elizabeth Cheek, m. Samuel DUNN.
- Anna Cheek, b. Feb. 10, 1774; d. Jan. 16, 1849, Randolph Co., NC; m. Thomas PARKS, son of Samuel PARKS (b. 1778; d. May 15, 1852, Randolph Co., NC); bur. Parks/Stout Cemetery, Randolph Co., NC. Children: John, Milley, Fields, Joab, Ambus, Henry, George Washington, Lydia.
- Lydia Cheek, b. abt. 1786; d. 1853, McNairy Co., TN; m. Matthew PHILLIPS (b.1770-1780; d. 1845). Children: Brantley, Matthew, A.W., Jane, probably others.
andall or Randolph Cheek was under 14 when his
father's will was written in 1743, but he must have been of
legal age when he appears on a tax list in 1755. Therefore, he was probably born between 1730 and 1735.
Many of the records of Moore County, NC, were destroyed in a courthouse fire in 1889, including deed books, marriage books, and loose estate papers. This obviously complicates genealogical research. In particular, there has been some confusion between the children of Randolph Cheek and his brother Robert Cheek, who also lived in Moore County.
According to information kindly provided by Susan West, there is a DAR application submitted in 1962 by a great-granddaughter of Anna Cheek & Thomas Parks, which refers to a petition for the settlement of the estate of Randal Cheek of Chatham Co., North Carolina. The estate file reportedly indicates that Randal Cheek "died on or about the first day of February last" (1816). Children of Randal/Randolph listed on the DAR application are John, Joab, Mary, Jane, Elizabeth, Lydia, Anna (m. Thomas PARKS). Someone in the DAR office wrote in the name Patty. Under this entire list, also added by this DAR applicant, are the words "Ref: Estate Papers of Randal/Randolph Cheek, Chatham Co., NC."
Another source refers to Chatham Co. Estate Papers at the NC Archives, Box No. CR.022.508.13. Petition filed Aug. term, 1816, identifies 8 children: John CHEEK, Joab CHEEK, Mary CHEEK, Jane GILBERT (wife of Benjamin GILBERT), Patty PHILLIPS, Elizabeth DUNN (wife of Samuel DUNN), Lydia PHILLIPS (wife of Matthew PHILLIPS) and Anna PARKS (wife of Thomas PARKS.)
1743. Beaufort Co., NC. Randolph CHEEK is named in his father Richard CHEEK's will, dated Sept. 29, 1743; recorded in Beaufort Co., NC, Apr. 30, 1745. He received 200 acres of land. The will indicates that Randolph was then under age of 14. (Will Bk. N, p.144.)
- 1752 Tax List, Granville Co., NC:
- Richard CHEEK, 2 tithes ("himself & his
brother Randall Cheek")
Wil'm CHEEK, 1 tithe;
Robert CHEEK, 1 tithe.
July 10, 1754. Granville Co., NC. Randall CHEEK witnessed a deed from Richard CHEEK to William PENNION, 200 acres on Fishing Creek, being land patented by Joseph John ALSTON on Apr. 11, 1745. Other wits: William CHEEK, James HIGS, Richard PENNELL. (Granville DB1, p.50)
- 1755 Tax List, Granville Co., NC.
- William CHEEK
Richard CHEEK
Randolph CHEEK
Oct. 23, 1756. Cumberland Co., NC. Randolph CHEEK witnesses a deed from Cornelius TISON to Robert CHEEK, 150 acres on the north side of the Deep River. Other wits: George HENDRY, Thomas COLLINS.
Feb. 1761. Orange Co., NC. Richard CHEEK, Randal CHEEK, & others ordered to lay a road from the county line near Andrew SHEPHEARD's to Henry BRASWELL's and thence to Johnston County line.
Oct. 17, 1761. Granville Co., NC. Randal CHEEK witnesses a deed from Robert CHEEK "of Orange County" to William CHEEK of Granville, 212 acres on William CHEEK's corner, north side of Fishing Creek at Charles BARTHOLOMEW's line. Price: £10. Other wits: Cornealus TISON, Jeffrey HORTON. (Granville DB1, p.188).
May 20, 1762. Orange Co., NC. Randolph CHEEK & Jacob BARNS are chain carriers for a survey of Robert CHEEK's land grant(dated Dec. 8, 1762), 241 acres in Orange County on the waters of Tice's (Tyson's) Creek of Deep River, joining the County line. Wits: James WATSON, Joseph FOOSHE.
May 1768. Orange Co., NC. Randolph CHEEK signed a Regulator Advertisement which complained that "We the Inhabitants of Orange County pay larger Fees for recording Deeds than any of the adjacent Counties and many other Fees more than the Law allows". (Colonial Records of NC, Vol. 7, p.734.) He also fought in the Battle of Alamance, which occured on May 16, 1771. (Source: Regulator list compiled by Louise Overton)

Map of the Deep River
Moore & Chatham Counties, NC
from an 1839 map
Geographic Note: Chatham County was created from Orange County in 1771.
Mar. 15, 1775. Cumberland Co., NC. Randolph CHEEK granted 250 acres on north side of Deep River in Cumberland County. Entered Jan. 11, 1774. (NC Archives, Land Office: Land Warrants & Plats, Folder No. and, Entry No. 80, Book 27, p.206.)
- 1777 Tax List, Cumberland County, NC, Jacob Duckworth's District.
- Robert CHEEK: 1,200 acres.
Randolph CHEEK: 836 acres.
1781. An interesting reference to the Cheeks appears in
a Revolutionary War journal kept by the soldier Sgt. William
Seymour, who served in the American army under Gen. Nathaniel
Greene. On Apr. 3, 1781, Seymour writes that Greene's army,
then en route from Chatham County, NC, to Camden, SC, made camp
at a "Mr. CHEEK's plantation." Based on Gen.
Greene's route, this must be a reference to either Randolph
of Cumberland/Moore County. According to Seymour, on March 20th the
army had been at Ramsey's Mills on the Deep River (Chatham
County). On March 30th, the Horse and Infantry division marched
toward Wilcox's Iron Works to have troop horses shod. The
Wilcox Iron Works were located in the town of Gulf, on the Deep
River about 15 miles south of Ramsey's Mills. If the army
continued to follow the Deep River south, they would have easily
reached the Cheeks' property by April 3rd, when Sgt. Seymour
says that they made camp. On April 4th, 1781, Gen. Greene wrote a
letter to Gen. Francis Marion, describing his location as
"camp, Deep River". Although Gen. Greene does not
mention the Cheeks, his letter does prove that the Cheek
plantation referred to by William Seymour was on the Deep River
and not in some other location. (Sources: "Journal
of the Southern Expedition, 1780-1783" by William Seymour,
Sergeant-Major of the Delaware Regiment, printed in
Pennslyvania Magazine of History & Biography, Vol. 7
(1883), p.380, and Sketch of Life of Brig. Gen. Francis
William D. James (1821), Appendix.)
Geographic Note: Moore County was created from Cumberland County in 1784.
Nov. 21, 1784. Moore Co., NC. Phill CHEEK and others ordered to work on a road from McClendon's Creek to the fork of the road. Following day (Nov. 22, 1784), Amos CHEEK, James CHEEK, John CHEEK and others ordered to work on a road from from Chatham County line to the fork of the road. (Moore Co., NC, Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions, pp. 8, 9, 17. Abstracted by Glenda Biggerstaff.)
Note: Philip & James Cheek, referred to in the above road order, were probably sons of Robert Cheek. John may have been a son of Randolph Cheek. Amos Cheek's relationship to the others is unknown but it is possible he was another son of Randolph.
1789. Randolph CHEEK was a captain of the militia in Moore Co., NC.
Oct. 4, 1790. Moore Co., NC. Randolph CHEEK entered a claim for 50 acres in Moore County adj. his own line, pursuant to Warrant No. 235. (NC Archives, Land Office Warrants & Plats, Folder No.
Mar. 16, 1799. Moore Co., NC. Randolph CHEEK granted 150 acres in Moore Co., NC, on north side of Deep River adj. Gabrial JOHNSTON. Entered Oct. 2, 1789. (NC Archives, Land Office Warrants & Plats, Folder No.; Grant No. 1060, Book 101, p.22.)
Nov. 24, 1800. Chatham Co., NC. A land grant to John RECORD in Chatham County refers to CHEEK's line, RAMSEY's corner, & Tyson's Creek. (NC Land Grant Book 115, p.75; source: Land Grant Records of North Carolina, Vol. II, by Elizabeth "Pat" Shaw Bailey.)
Nov. 16, 1802. Moore Co., NC. Randol CHEEK & Jno. CHEEK enter a claim for 35 acres on Deep River, pursuant to Warrant No. 1062. (NC Archives, Land Office Warrants & Plats, Folder No.
1810 Census, Moore Co., NC, p.597: RANDOL CHEEK
1 w/m 26-45 | 2 w/f under 10 |
1 slave | 1 w/f 26-45 |
Note: The Randol Cheek in the above census entry appears too young to be the Randolph born about 1730-1735, but no other Randolph Cheeks are listed in Moore or Chatham County in 1810.
- 1815 Tax List, Moore Co., NC, pp.464-465.
- Randal CHEEK, 60 acres, $100
James CHEEK, 200 acres, $200
Joab CHEEK, 604 acres, $1,200
John CHEEK, 450 acres, 330 acres, 615 acres, 235 acres, $2,050
Feb. 1, 1816, Randall (Randolph) CHEEK died in Chatham Co., NC. His estate was administered by his sons John CHEEK & Joab CHEEK, who posted bond on Feb 12, 1816, with bondsmen Samuel ELLIOTT & John STINSON. Report of the estate sale was filed on Mar. 5, 1816; purchasers included Mary CHEEK, JOab CHEEK, John CHEEK, Josiah CHEEK, Thomas CHEEK, and Cornelius SHIELDS. In Aug. 1816, his 8 children filed a petition to divide his land, consisting of two adjoining tracts of land on Tice's Creek, one tract 241 acres, one of 167 acres adj. Wm. PHILLIPS & others. Commissioner's report was filed Nov. term, 1816. (Estate papers of Randal or Randolph Cheek, NC Archives File No. C.022.50002, CR.022.508.13, Chatham Estates 1812-1822, pp.55-57.)
Nov. 12, 1816. Ordered that a mulatto girl, Letta, a child of Sally BREWER (alias Sally PEARCE) that was bound to Randal CHEEK in the county court of Moore County now be bound as an apprentice to Mary CHEEK, daughter of said Randal as the law directs in such cases. (Chatham Co., NC, Court Minutes.)