Richard Cheek, Sr. -
Abstracts of Records
Edgecombe & Beaufort Co., NC
Dec. 6, 1732. Edgecombe Co., NC. Richard CHEEK, James MILLIKIN & Thomas WHITMELL witnessed a deed from John GREEN of Bertie Precinct to Joseph LANE for 300 acres on Tar River, joining Thomas LANE and a branch of the river. (Edgecombe DB 1, p.23.)
Sept. 9, 1737. Edgecombe Co., NC. Richard CHEEK obtained a land grant for 400 acres in Edgecombe Co., NC.
Feb. 17, 1737/38. Beaufort Co., NC. Richard CHEEK obtained a land grant for 640 acres in Beaufort County near the South Swamp of Coneghta or Counighto (Conetoe). (NC Archives Land Office Warrants & Plats, Folder, Book 9, p.165; also NC DB 1, p.124.)
Feb. 21, 1737/38. Edgecombe Co., NC. Samuel SWEARINGEN to John STEVENS, 200 acres on the "north side of the Tar River which said land he the said SWERINGEN formerly sold to Arthur CRAFFORD, adjoining Mr. Richard CHEEK and the River," for £40. (Edgecombe DB 1, pp.19-20)
Nov. 18, 1738. Beaufort Co., NC. Richard CHEEK obtained a land grant for 640 acres in Beaufort Co., NC, on the north side of Pamplico River joining a point near Thomas LITTLE & John LEE. (NC Archives Land Office Warrants & Plats, Folder and; Book 8, p.7; Book 9, p.258; also NC DB 1, p.269.)
Mar. 13, 1738/39. Beaufort Co., NC. Richard CHEEK conveyed 150 acres of land and a brass candlestick "to my beloved son-in-law John BURNEY and my daughter Elizabeth BURNEY."
June 7, 1739. Beaufort Co., NC. Richard CHEEK mentioned in a deed as a neighbor of John DOYL on the Tar River. (NC DB 1, p.145.)
Sept. 5, 1739. Beaufort Co., NC. Will of James STEVENS of "Bath County," NC; all estate to wife Janet STEVENS; wits: Richard CHEEK, Jane (JC) CHEEK [her mark], & John GUIN (or QUINN). Proved Nov. 15, 1739. (Source: original will -- NC Archives). [Old Bath County was actually abolished in 1705.]
Note: Many transcribers of the above will misread Jane Cheek's name as "James Cheek." The original document clearly says "her mark" not "his," and on close inspection, the name is Jane, not James. This was most likely Jane Cheek, Richard's wife.
Apr. 20, 1740. Beaufort Co., NC. Will of William JONES of Beaufort Co., NC; wife Margaret JONES; daughters Elizabeth, Ruth, Ann wife of John PRIGKET, Hanor [Hannah?] wife of Solomon ROBSON, & Jane wife of Robert DUNBAR; & godchildren William QUINCE [QUINN?] & William ROBSON; 500 acre plantation and several slaves. Wits: Richard CHEEK, William MITCHELL, John BEYLEY, & John HANISTON. Recorded Sept. 1, 1742. (Source: original will -- NC Archives.)
Sept. 9, 1740. Beaufort Co., NC. Richard CHEEK to James HEARN, 200 acres on north side of Pamplico River, for 10 cows & 10 calves. Wits: John HARDER, Robert HARDER, Simon BURNEY. Proved Sept. 1740 (ack'd). (Beaufort DB 2, p.351.)

A Typical 18th Century Mill
(Yates Mill, NC, built 1756)
Geographical Note. In 1741, the North Carolina Assembly passed an act to establish the boundary line between Tyrrell, Edgecombe, and Beaufort Counties. The act provided that a Commissioner shall be appointed by each county court to run the boundary line, which "shall begin at the Upper Corner Tree of Jenkin Henry's line on the south side of Roanoke River, and from thence, run a direct line to the mouth of Cheek's Mill Creek, on Tar River . . . " (Source: The North Carolina Historical & Genealogical Register, Vol. II (Jan. 1901), p.256.)
Nov. 16, 1741. Edgecombe Co., NC. Richard CHEEK & Jane CHEEK witnessed a deed from Samuel SWEARINGEN Sr. to Samuel SWEARINGEN, 200 acres near John STEVEN'S landing, joining a marsh, for £40. (Edgecombe DB 1, p.169; DB 5, p.15)
May 1, 1742. Edgecombe Co., NC. Richard CHEEK, Benjamin EVANS, & William STEVENS witness a deed from Francis BETTS to Alexander RANDALL for 50 acres on southside of Tar River joining said RANDALL's plantation, a swamp, a gully, Samuel SWEARINGEN & the River, for £80. (Edgecombe DB 5, p.65)
Aug. 12, 1742. Edgecombe Co., NC. Richard CHEEK & Alexander RANDALL witnessed a deed from John STEPHENS to William STEPHENS for 200 acres north side of the Tar joining Capt. Richard CHEEK. (Edgecombe DB 1, p.174; DB 5, p.67)
Sept. 29, 1743. Beaufort Co., NC. Richard CHEEK "of Bofort County" writes his will prior to a trip to South Carolina. Names: wife Jane CHEEK; sons William, Richard Jr., John, Robert, James, Randolph (the latter 3 sons are under the age of 14); daughters Ann CHEEK, Elizabeth BURNEY, Jane CHEEK. Executors: Wm CHEEK, Richard CHEEK Jr., John BURNEY. Wit: Robert CHEEK, Wm CHEEK. Rec. Apr. 30, 1745, in Beaufort Co., NC. (Beaufort Will Book N, p.144.)
May 1746. Edgecombe Co., NC. Jane CHEEK widow of
Richard CHEEK petitioned that son-in-law John BURNEY be summoned
to show cause [presumably regarding his administration of the
will]. (Edgecombe Court Minutes 1, p.20.)
Will of Richard Cheek of Beaufort Co., NC
Dated Sept. 29, 1743, Proved Apr. 30, 1745
Beaufort Co., NC, Will Book N, p.144
North Carolina Wills 1663-1789, Vol. VI, p.33
North Carolina Archives, Folder No.
Transcribed by Larry Cates
Printing tip: for best results, use ledger-size paper (11" x 17")
Richard Cheek's will is written in a scrawling, somewhat untidy handwriting, probably not the work of a professional "scrivener" or court clerk. The signature appears to be in the same handwriting. It's likely that he wrote the entire will himself.
In the name of God Amen the twenty ninth day of September one thousand seven hundred and forty three I RICHARD CHEEK of Beufort County in North Carolina Being well in health and perfect memory but d[?]ed a journey to South Carolina thanks be to allmighty God and calling me to rememberance of the uncertain estate of this transitory life and that all flesh must yield unto death when it shall please God to call do make consitute ordain and declare this my last will and testaement in maner and form following revoking and annulling by thes presents all and every testament and testaments will and wills heretofore by me made and declared either by word or writeing and this is to be taken only for my last will and testament and none other and first being penitent and sorry from the bottom of my heart unto almighty god my Savior and Redeemer on whom and by the merits of Jesus Christ I trust and beleave assuredly to be saved and to have full remistions and forgiveness of all my sins and that my sole with my body at the general day of Resurrection shall rise again with Joy and through the merits of Christs death and pations possess and inherit the Kingdom of Heaven prepared for his Elect and Chosen and my body to be buried in such place where it shall please my executors hereafter named to appoint and now for the getting of my temporall estates and such goods chattells and debts as it hath pleased God far above my desearts to bestowe upon me I do order give and dispose the same in manner and form following that is to say first I will that all those debts and duties as I owe in right or Conscience to any manor of person or persons whatsoever shall be well and truly contented and paid within conveanient time after my death by my executors hereafter named--
Item I Lend in writing to my wife JANE CHEEK during her life or widowhood six cowes & calves and six Steares Two five year old steares and the other four steares, one yeare younger than an other untill they come to one years old and the above cattle to be at her chose and one bed and furneture at her chose and one mare called Blase and one mare colt taken of of a mare called Phillis and the Halfe of all the other House hold goods and the Hoggs to the use of sd family except one sow & pigs for every child as they come to age or choseing thear guardian[?]
and I give my son RANDOLPH CHEEK one good feather bed and furniture and one black [??] [y]earling colt come of a mare called Blase[?]
and I give to my Dafter [Daughter] ANN CHEEK one good feather bed and furneture
Item I give to my son WILLIAM CHEEK one hundred and fifty acres of Land Beginning at the mouth of a branch of the Low side of my mill Creek opposite to JOHN BURNEY's Corn feald goe Runing to my Lore [lower] corner tree X a red oak neare to John AVERETS be it more or less.
Item I give to my son RANDOLPH CHEEK the plantations I now live on Begining at the mouth of the mill creek and runing up to the fork and up the uper foark to JOHN BURNEY's corner, thence down bound by BURNEY's line and WM. CHEEK's goe as the patent derects to the River and goe to the begining for Two hundred acres more or less including the water mill
Item I give unto my son JAMES CHEEK all of Land I hold above the mill Creek between the uper fork and the River for one hundred and forty acres be it more or less
Item I given unto my son JOHN CHEEK one hundred and fifty acres of land joyning to JAMES HEARN in my low Track Layed of at an Equall breadth from the River to the back lines
Item I give unto my son ROBERT CHEEK one hundred and fifty acres of Land joyning to JOHN CHEEK and Laid off as the sd JOHN CHEEKS is to be and at the uper part joyning.
Item I give to my son RICHARD CHEEK, Jr. one hundred and forty acres of Land joyning to ROBERT CHEEK it being the uper part of the Track joyning to a place called the Buck horn spring
and my desire is further that all my cattell, beds and other estate that I have not partickarly made mention of above may be equally devided amongst my children that is to say ELIZABETH BURNEY, WILLIAM CHEEK, RICHARD CHEEK, JANE CHEEK, JOHN CHEEK, ROBT. CHEEK, JAMES CHEEK, ANN CHEEK, RANDOLPH CHEEK.
I further will my sons ROBT CHEEK & JAMES CHEEK and RANDOLPH CHEEK to free from servatude at the age of eighteen years old or choose theare gardens [guardians] at forteen years old and I leave my Daughter ANN CHEEK free at sixteen years old.
I do apoint WM. CHEEK, RICHARD CHEEK, JR. and JOHN BURNEY my executors.
Witness my hand and seal the day and year above written. RICHARD CHEEK

WM (W) HIX his mark
ROBT (R) CHEEK his mark
The notes on the next page are in a different handwriting, presumably written by the court clerk:
April 30. 1745. The within Will of RICHARD CHEEK Proved before me by the Oaths Of WILLIAM HIX & JOHN THIGPEN. - E. MOSELEY C. Just.
Also on the same day & year JOHN BURNEY took the Oath of
an Executor to the said Will before me
Beaufort County April 30th. The within last Will of RICHARD
CHEEK late of the sd County Planter deced (by the advice of His
Honour the Chief Justice to JOHN BURNEY Exer of the sd will) was
and is literaly recorded in the records of the sd County
immediately after the minutes of March Court 1744/5.
The Will of RICHD. CHEEK
Lawf. filed Sept. Court 1745
Recorded in the Sect office in
Book N, Page 144
Richard Cheek's Signature
Richard Cheek's original signature appears on 2 other documents on file with the North Carolina Archives:
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Will of James Stevens, Sept. 5, 1739,
Bath Co., NC. |
Will of William Jones, Apr. 20, 1740,
Beaufort Co., NC. |