Richard Cheek, Sr. -
Abstracts of Records
Essex Co., VA
Nov. 17-18, 1717. John CHEEK of Essex to Richard CHEEK, for 830 lbs tobacco, 48 acres in South Farnham Parish, part of 550 acres granted William JOHNSON (Apr. 26, 1704) and which he sold to Capt. James BOUGHAN, part of which he sold, in turn, to John CHEEK. On the north side of a great branch. Wits: John DYER, Joseph (X) MUNDAY, Jno. ROGERS. Ack'd by John CHEEK on Nov. 19, 1717; wife (unnamed) relinquished her dower. (Essex Deeds & Wills No. 15, 1717-1718, pp.116-119; see also Essex Order Book 1716-1723 Part I.)
Note: William JOHNSON's patent, actually dated Jan. 26, 1704, describes 500 acres "upon the branches of Gilsons Creek joyning upon the land of Capt. BEVERLEY, Elink ROBINS, Theo. WHALE". (VA Patent Book No. 9, p.588.) Gilsons or Jilsons Creek is now called Mount Landing Creek. It enters the Rappahannock River about 2 miles north of Tappahannock, VA. View a Google map.
Mar. 19, 1721/22. Essex Co., VA. Richard CHEEK to James JOHNSON, for 18 pds tobacco, 48 acres, part of 550 acres granted William JOHNSON, Apr. 26, 1704, on the north side of a great branch, now in actual possession of James JOHNSON. Wits: Nathaniel FOGG, George (X) MURRELL, Andrew (X) SCRIMSHAW. Same date, Richard CHEEK granted power of attorney to Nathaniel FOGG to acknowledge this deed. (Essex DB 17, pp. 26-28, 312). Recorded Mar. 20, 1721/22.
Note: the above suggests Richard CHEEK was no longer living in the area, since James JOHNSON was already in "actual possession" of the land, and Richard granted a power of attorney to have the deed acknowledged in court.
Aug. 22, 1727. Essex Co., VA. Richard CHEEK vs. John EVANS. The jury found in favor of Richard CHEEK and awarded him £5, 6 shillings. Richard CHEEK also ordered to pay William JOHNSON, Gent., 3 days attendance & travel from Spotsylvania (55 miles), John DYER from Essex (20 miles), & John EVANS from King & Queen (27 miles). (Essex Order Book 1725-1729 Part II, p.257.)
Spotsylvania Co., VA

A typical "4-on-4" Colonial house
built 1725 (Virginia Beach, VA)
Historical note: In 1720, the government of Virginia became concerned about enroachments by French settlers in the western territories. Hoping to expand English settlement of the Colony, the goverment exempted the inhabitants of Spotsylvania and Brunswick Counties from paying property taxes ("quit rents") for seven years. The fees for taking out land patents were also waived. These efforts brought a wave of new settlers into the Colony's frontier -- including, it seems, Richard Cheek, who purchased a parcel of land in Spotsylvania County in 1724.
Apr. 16, 1724. Spotsylvania Co., VA. John QUARLES of St. George's Parish, Spotsylvania Co., VA, to Richard CHEEK of same, for £13 sterling, 70 acres in St. George's Parish, part of a tract granted John QUARLES by patent Sep. 30, 1723. Witnesses: Henry CONYERS, Z. LEWIS, R. BAYLEY. Rec. July 7, 1724. John WALLER, by power of attorney, acknowledged Ann QUARLES' right of dower. Recorded July 7, 1724. (Spotsylvania Deed Book A, p.93)
Note: John QUARLES' land patent dated Sept. 30, 1723, describes 417 acres in Spotsylvania County on a branch of the Nussaponnack Run, James CANNON[?]'s line, and Francis THORNTON's line. (VA Land Office Patents No. 11, p.288). "Nussaponnack" is an older name for Massaponax Creek, which enters the Rappahannock River near Fredericksburg, VA.
Sept. 1, 1724. Spotsylvania Co., VA. Richard CHEEK was involved in lawsuits with Robert BLACKLY, John CAMMELL, Maj. Benjamin ROBINSON, and William RUSSELL. (Spots. Order Book 1724-1730, Part I, pp.9-12.)
Oct. 7, 1724. Spotsylvania Co., VA. Richard CHEEK served on a jury. (Spots. Order Book 1724-1730, Part I, p. 17 et. seq.)
Oct. 7, 1724. Spotsylvania Co., VA. In the action of assault & battery brought by William RUSSELL against Richard CHEEK, judgment being granted last court for damages should appear this and being put to a jury for trial, jury retured a verdict for the defendant and the suit ordered to be dismissed. Costs allowed to John FINLASON, John QUARLES, and Daniel HUFF, one day attendance as evidence for William RUSSELL. (Spots. Order Book 1724-1730, Part I, p. 25.)
Nov. 3, 1724. Spotsylvania Co., VA. Richard CHEEK was appointed constable. Same date, Richard CHEEK served on a grand jury; among other things the grand jury issued a presentment against Moseley BATTALEY for coming to church drunk. A number of other people were charged with offenses such as failing to attend church, being drunk and fighting on the Sabbath, living in adultery, and attempted rape. (Spts. Order Book 1724-1730, Part I, pp. 27, 29.)
Mar. 24, 1724/25. Spotsylvania Co., VA. Richard CHEEK was involved in lawsuits with Robert BLACKLY and John CAMMELL. Costs allowed William HANSFORD, Gent., 5 days attendance as evidence for Richard CHEEK against John BLACKLY; Mr. John CHEW, 1 day attendance for John BLACKLY against Richard CHEEK; to Edward SOTHWELL, 4 days attendance for John CAMMELL against Richard CHEEK; Samuell LLOYD, 4 days attendance for Richard CHEEK against John CAMMELL; and John QUARLES, 5 days attendance for Richard CHEEK against John CAMMELL. (Spts. Order Book 1724-1730, Part I, pp.38-39.)
Mar. 24, 1724/25; May 4, 1725; June 1, 1725. Spotsylvania Co., VA. Richard CHEEK served on juries. (Spots. Order Book 1724-1730, Part I, pp.41-42, 47, 49.)
June 1, 1725. Spotsylvania Co., VA. In the action for debt by Maj. Benjamin ROBINSON pltf against Richard CHEEK deft, for £20 sterling, jury returned a verdict for the defendant. Costs allowed Richard BLANTON, 4 days attendance as evidence for Richard CHEEK. Costs allowed Robert KING, 2 days attendance for Richard CHEEK and 6 days attendance for Maj. Benjamin ROBINSON. (Spots. Order Book 1724-1730, Part I, pp. 51, 54.)
July 6, 1725. Spotsylvania Co., VA. RICHARD CHEEK and Richard SHARPE are security for John BOND adm'r of the estate of Robert BOND. (Spots. Order Book 1724-1730, Part I, p. 63.)
Sept. 7, 1725. Spotslvania Co., VA. In the case of Richard CHEEK against Benjamin ROBINSON for £7.5.4 current money, jury reached a verdict for defendant. Costs allowed Phillip SANDERS 1 day attendance as evidence for Richard CHEEK 45 miles coming & returning.
Oct. 5, 1725. Spotsylvania Co., VA. Richard CHEEK served on a jury. (Spots. Order Book 1724-1730, Part I, pp.77-79.)
Feb. 1, 1725. Spotsylvania Co., VA. Mr. Richard CHEEK, Mr. John QUARLES, Mr. Henry MARTIN, and Mr. John BLACKLEY ordered to value the buildings and improvements made by Maj. Augustine SMITH on his 1600 acre tract of land obtained by patent dated Feb. 16, 1722. (Spots. Order Book 1724-1730, Part I, p.91.) They retured their evaluation on Mar. 1, 1725/26. (Id., p.105.)
Feb. 1, 1725. Spotsylvania Co., VA. In the action for debt brought by Richard CHEEK against David WILLIAMS, the Sheriff having made return viz. a copy left and David WILLIAMS not to be found, an alias [i.e. order to appear] is granted. (Spots. Order Book 1724-1730, Part I, p.96.)
Feb. 1, 1725. Spotsylvania Co., VA. Richard CHEEK served on a jury. (Spots. Order Book 1724-1730, Part I, pp.97-101.)
May 3, 1726. Spotsylvania Co., VA. Richd. CHEEK witnessed a deed from William HANSFORD of St. George's Parish, Spots., to William ARVEN & William BECKMAN of same, for 3,000 lbs. tobacco, 400 acres on Massaponnax Branch granted sd HANSFORD by patent dated May, 14, 1723. Other wits: Jno. QUARLES, Benja. GRAYSON. Rec. May 3, 1726. Sarah HANSFORD, wife of William HANSFORD, relinquished her right of dower through her attorney John QUARLES. (Spots. DB A, p.97.) Proved May 3, 1726, by oaths of Richard CHEEK and Benjamin GRAYSON. (Spots. Order Book 1724-1730, Part I, p.110.)(
Nov. 1, 1726. Spotsylvania Co., VA. Richard CHEEK sworn in as Deputy Sheriff under Sheriff Goodrich LIGHTFOOT Gent. (Spots. Order Book 1724-1730, Part II, p.113.)
Dec. 6, 1726. Spotsylvania Co., VA. Richard CHEEK discharged as constable. (Spots. Order Book 1724-1730, Part II, p.128.)
Dec. 7, 1726. Spotsylvania Co., VA. Richard CHEEK awarded costs for 19 days attendance as a witness for William HANSFORD against William BLEDSOE. (Spots. Order Book 1724-1730, Part II, p.131.)
Dec. 9, 1726. Spotsylvania Co., VA. Richard CHEEK registered his mark for cattle and hogs, a hole in the right ear and a crop and slit in the left. (Spots. Order Book 1724-1730, Part II, p.141.)
May 2, 1727. Spotsylvania Co., VA. Richard CHEEK and Edward WINGFIELD sworn in as Deputy Sheriffs. (Spots. Order Book 1724-1730, Part II, p.144.)
May 3, 1727. Spotsylvania Co., VA. Richard CHEEK involved in lawsuits with William RUSSELL and William BICKHAM. (Spots. Order Book 1724-1730, Part II, p.157.)
July 4, 1727. Spotsylvania Co. VA. Richard CHEEK appeared by power of attorney for Robert WILLIAMS and confessed judgment in an action for debt brought by Peter RUSSELL assignee of John BLACKLEY. (Spots. Order Book 1724-1730, Part II, p.180.)
Sept. 6, 1727. Spotsylvania Co., VA. Richard CHEEK and John FINLESON were sued by Francis KIRKLEY. Costs allowed to John ROBERTS and Abraham FIELD for 2 days attendance as witnesses for Francis KIRKLEY. Richard CHEEK also involved in a lawsuit with William RUSSELL, Peter RUSSELL and John ROBERTS. (Spots. Order Book 1724-1730, Part II, pp.201-202.)
Sept. 30, 1727. Spotsylvania Co., VA. Richard CHEEK witnessed a deed from Phillip TODD of St. Stephen's Parish, King & Queen Co., Gent., to John WALKER [or WALLER] of St. George's Parish, Spots., for £25 currency, 500 acres of land in St. George Parish granted to said TODD by patent June 30, 1726. Other wits: Z. LEWIS, E. WINGFIELD, John WALLER, Jr. Rec. Nov. 7, 1727. (Spots. DB A, p.100.)
Oct 13, 1727. Spotsylvania Co., VA. Richard CHEEK granted 1,000 acres in St. George's Parish, Spots. Co., VA, adj. Chicheley Corbin THACKER, Catesby COCKE, William HOLLOWAY, and John QUARLES on a branch of the Nussaponnack Run. (VA Patent Book No. 13, p.168.)
Note: Nussaponnack Run is now called Massaponax Creek. Richard Cheek's land was located in the vicinity of today's Routes 208 (Courthouse Road) and 639 (Leavells Road or Mine Road) near Fredericksburg, VA. (See Paula S. Felder, Forgotten Companions, The First Settlers of Spotsylvania County and Fredricksburgh Town, p.197.) View a Google map.
Land Grant to Richard Cheek
Spotsylvania Co., VA, Oct. 13, 1727
VA Patent Book No. 13, p.168
Digital image
George the Second etc. To All etc. Whereas etc. We have given granted and confirmed and by these presents for us our Heirs and Successors do give grant and confirm unto RICHARD CHEEK of Saint George Parish in Spotsylvania County one Tract or parcell of Land containing One Thousand Acres lying and being in the parish and county aforesaid and bounded as followeth (to wit): Beginning at a hickory corner to Mr. CHITLYE CORBIN THACKER and CATESBY COCKE Thence with COCKES line South East by South two hundred twenty two poles to two white oaks by a Branch of the Nussaponack Run Thence South forty eight degrees West forty seven poles to a Red oake corner to WILLIAM HOLLOWAY Thence with his line North seventy five degrees west two hundred poles to a white oak Thence North fifteen degrees West one hundred and sixty poles to three Red oaks Thence North sixty degrees West five hundred and forty poles to four Black oaks Thence North thirty degrees East two hundred and twenty poles to two Red oaks in JOHN QUARLES line Thence with his line South sixty degrees East two hundred and ten poles to a Red oake corner to Mr. THACKER and QUARLES Thence with Mr. THACKER several lines to the beginning With All etc. to have hold etc. Yielding and paying etc. provided etc. In Witness etc. Witness our Trusty and Well loved WILLIAM GOOCH, Esq. our Lieutenant Governor and Commander in Chief of our Said Colony and Dominion at Williamsburgh under the Seal of our Said Colony the Thirteenth day of October One Thousand Seven Hundred and Twenty Seven in the First Year of Our Reign.
Nov. 7, 1727. Spotsylvania Co., VA. Richard CHEEK sworn in as deputy sheriff. (Spots. Order Book 1724-1730, Part II, p.208.)
Nov. 7, 1727. Spotsylvania Co., VA. On motion Francis THORNTON, Gent. for Peter PRESLY Gent. of Northumberland County about a sorrell horse that was put in Deputy Sheriff Richard CHEEK's possession by a magistrate, that the said PRESLY's letter about said horse and John HUNDALL's deposition be admitted to record and certified. Peter PRESLY alleges the horse was stolen and John HUNDALL declares that the horse is now in the possession of Richard CHEEK. (Spots. Order Book 1724-1730, Part II, p.208.)
Mar. 6, 1727/28. Spotsylvania Co., VA. Richard CHEEK, Deputy Sheriff, failed to make due return in the case of William STROTHER vs. William FRAZIER. Case ordered dismissed and Richard CHEEK to pay costs. (Spots. Order Book 1724-1730, Part III, p.229.)
Apr. 3, 1728. Spotsylvania Co., VA. Richd. CHEEK witnessed a deed from John BUSH & wife Margaret of St. George's Parish, Spots., planter, to Richard BAYLEY of St. Margaret's Parish, King William Co., for £12, 200 acres in St. George's Parish being part of a patent granted said BUSH. Other wits: E. WINGFIELD, Jno. WALLER, Jr. (Spotsylvania Deed Book A, p.102.)
Note: the patent to John BUSH, dated June 30, 1726, describes land in Spots. County on the north side of Bare Swamp adj. Thomas CHEW and Michael GOUDY. (VA Patent Book No. 12, p.493).
June 4, 1728. Spotsylvania Co., VA. Richard CHEEK "late" Deputy Sheriff made return of several executions. (Spots. Order Book 1724-1730, Part III, p.229.)
Note: one of the jobs of the sheriff was to collect money owed pursuant to writs of execution issued by the court.
June 18, 1728. Essex Co., VA. Richard CHEEK vs. John EVANS. Judgment for CHEEK entered Aug. 22, 1728. He paid William JOHNSON, Gentleman, for three days attendance and travel from Spotsylvania (55 miles), John DYER from Essex (20 miles), and John EVANS from King and Queen (27 miles).
Aug. 6, 1728. Spotsylvania Co., VA. Benjamin GRAYSON by John GRAYSON his next friend pltf vs. Richard CHEEK deft for £5 current money. Jury returned a verdict for the plaintiff in the amount of £2.5.8. Costs allowed to George PROCTOR and Goodrich LIGHTFOOT for 6 days attendance as evidence for Richard CHEEK. (Spots. Order Book 1724-1730, Part III, pp.242-243, 245, 246.)
Aug. 7, 1728. Spotsylvania Co., VA. Richard CHEEK was security for Larkin CHEW, adm'r of William PARKER, dec'd, to appeal a lawsuit brought by William SKRINE. (Spots. Order Book 1724-1730, Part III, p.247.)
Aug. 7, 1728. Spotsylvania Co., VA. On petition of Mr. Richard CHEEK for a road to Capt. Larkin CHEW's mill by LEWIS Bridge &c. is granted and ordered that William HANSFORD Gent. and John SNELL do view the said road and see if it is necessary and if so then to lay out the same the most convenient way and make their report at the next court. On Sept. 4, 1728, William HANSFORD and John SNELL reported that they find the way is necessary and accordingly have marked and laid it out. Therefore ordered that Richard CHEEK be overseer and that all male labouring titheables that belong to Elias DOWNS, William HOLLOWAY, quarter, John TURNER, Samuell COLLINS, Thomas COLLINS, Stephen BICKHAM, William BICKHAM and William MOORE do help him clear the same. (Spots. Order Book 1724-1730, Part III, pp. 244, 258; see also Nathaniel Mason Pawlett, Spotsylvania County Road Orders (VA Hwy & Trans. Research Council: Charlottesville, VA, 1985), p.28.)
Note: from other road orders, it appears that Lewis's Bridge was a bridge over the Ny or Ni River, which is a few miles southwest of Massaponax Creek.
Aug. 7, 1728. Spotsylvania Co., VA. Richard CHEEK ordered to appraise certain personal property seized from the estate of Isaac JOHNSON on an attachment obtained by Samuel HENSLY. (Spots. Order Book 1724-1730, Part III, p.251.)
Aug. 7, 1728. Spotsylvania Co., VA. James HORNAILE brought an action for debt against Edward WINGFIELD and Richard CHEEK, for 1,888 pounds tobacco. The defendants appeared and suffered judgment to pass; it is therefore ordered the defendants pay the same to plaintif. (Spots. Order Book 1724-1730, Part III, p.252.)
Sept. 4, 1728. Spotsylvania Co., VA. Richard CHEEK brought an action against Edward WINGFIELD for 5,000 pounds tobacco. The jury, Robert SPOTSWOOD, foreman, returned a verdict in favor of the defendant. Costs allowed to Goodrich LIGHTFOOT Gent. 2 days attendance as evidence for Edward WINGFIELD. (Spots. Order Book 1724-1730, Part III, pp.258-259.)
Sept. 28, 1728. Spotsylvania Co., VA. Land grant to Andrew DONNALDSON of St. George's Parish, Spots. Co., 314 acres on the branches of the Mattapony River, bounded by Richard CHEEK, John QUARLES, and Henry WILLIS. (VA Patent Book No. 14, p.29.)
Sept. 28, 1728. Spotsylvania Co., VA. Richard CHEEK Jr. and William CHEEK [possibly sons of Richard CHEEK? possibly no relation?] of St. George's Parish in Spotsylvania Co., VA, granted 1,000 acres in said parish and county adj. John MULKEY. (VA Patent Book No. 13 p.321)
Note: This parcel was located in the upper part of Spotsylvania that became Orange County in 1732. The patent was taken over by Henry WILLIS on June 10, 1737, "Richard CHEEK and William CHEEK having failed to make such Cultivation and Improvements" as required by the original grant. (VA Patent Book No. 17, p.360.)
Oct. 1, 1728. Spotsylvania Co., VA. The County levy (i.e., a list of all the county expenses). Mr. Richard CHEEK owed 144 pounds tobacco for 8 delinquents. Mr. William HANSFORD and Richard CHEEK owed 775 pounds tobacco for 939,737 tobacco plants. Also 50 pounds tobacco is due from Richard CHEEK last year as the Sheriff. (Spots. Order Book 1724-1730, Part III, pp.267-269.)
Oct. 2, 1728. Spotsylvania Co., VA. Richard CHEEK served on a jury. Among other things, the jury issued a presentment against John PIGG who had been arrested for a debt owed to Mr. John CHEW, and had broken out of the county prison and burned it. (Spots. Order Book 1724-1730, Part III, pp.272-273.)
Oct. 5, 1728. Spotsylvania Co., VA. Richard CHEEK & Abram BLEDSOE posted £500 administration bond for Dorothy HORTON, admx. of Benjamin HORTON, dec'd. (Spots. WB A, p.54; see also Spots. Order Book 1724-1730, Part III, p.267.)
Nov. 6, 1728. Spotsylvania Co., VA. Richard CHEEK Richard CHEEK was awarded costs for 12 days attendance as a witness for Thomas DAVIS vs. Col. Alexander SPOTSWOOD. On Nov. 7, 1728, Richard CHEEK was also awarded costs for 5 days attendance as a witness for for John YOUNG vs. Samuel COLLINS. (Spots. Order Book 1724-1730, Part III, pp.277, 282.)
Apr. 1, 1729. Spotsylvania Co., VA. On the motion of Mosley BATTALEY against Richard CHEEK for suspicion of fireing his house &c., that he may be taken into close custody and not suffered to be at large until the matter be tried and ordered that the Sheriff do take him in Custody accordingly. Richard CHEEK, who was committed to the gaol of this County by William HANSFORD, Gent. mittimus bearing date the 30th day of March last being charged with the felonious burning the dwelling house of Mosley BATTALEY in this County, being ordered and brought to the bar for a farther examination by this court about the said offence, who having heard all the evidences that was produced in behalf of our Sovereign Lord the King and the said Mosley BATTALEY, likewise all evidence produced by the said prisoner and considered all the matters, are of the opinion that the said Richard CHEEK is guilty and ought to be tried for the fact whereof he is accused before the Honorable General Court the 4th day thereof. Therefore ordered that the said Richard CHEEK be committed unto the Sheriff's custody and remanded to the county gaol and as soon as conventiently may be remove the said CHEEK to the public gaol and deliver him to the keeper thereof in order for his further trial. Mosley BATTALEY on behalf of Margert GOBLE, Edward PRICE on behalf of his wife Sarah PRICE, and Lidia CRAFFORD on behalf of herself and James STEWART on behalf of his wife Lidia STEWART did enter into recognizance and assumed the penalty of £100 sterling to appear as evidence in behalf of our Sovereign Lord the King on the 4th day thereof against Richard CHEEK. Richard CHEEK's petition about having a further trial &c. is rejected. (Spots. Order Book 1724-1730, Part III, p.293, 295, 296, 301.) Feb. 3, 1729/30, Edwin HICKMAN Gent. Sheriff presented a claim for costs for carrying down Richard CHEEK, a criminal. (Spots. Order Book 1724-1730, Part IV, p.371.)
Note: Moseley Battaley or Battaile was an attorney who often represented defendants in the Spotsylvania County Court (on one occasion he was fined for showing up to court drunk). Why Richard Cheek would want to burn down his dwelling house is not known. Many researchers feel that Richard Cheek was a responsible citizen, acting as Deputy Sheriff and so on, and therefore the alleged arsonist had to be a different Richard Cheek, perhaps the younger Richard Cheek JR. who received a land grant with William Cheek in 1728. The Spots. court order books themselves contain nothing to indicate that there were two different Richard Cheeks in the county. Richard Cheek the arsonist is never called "Jr." for example. The outcome of the trial in Williamsburg is a mystery because the court records were later lost in a fire.
May 7, 1729. Spotsylvania Co., VA. On motion of Edward HINKMAN Gent. Sheriff to have David JONES summoned to the next court for not aiding and assisting his Deputy Sheriff to retake Edward WINGFIELD who broke out of prison, is granted and said JONES summoned to answer at the next court. (Spots. Order Book 1724-1730, Part IV, p.316.)
Note: Edward WINGFIELD was a deputy sheriff with Richard Cheek. They were sworn in together on May 2, 1727. (Spots. Order Book 1725-1730, Part II, p.144.) In 1728, Edward Wingfield was appointed under-sheriff by the new Sheriff Larkin Chew. (Spots. Order Book 1724-1730, Part III, p.231). In Sept. 1728, Richard Cheek sued Edward Wingfield, unsuccessfully, for 5,000 pounds tobacco. Robert SPOTSWOOD was the foreman of the jury which found in Wingfield's favor. Nevertheless, it was another lawsuit brought against Edward Wingfield by the same Robert Spotswood which resulted in Wingfield's imprisonment for debt. (Spots. Order Book 1724-1730, Part IV, p.324.) The court order book states rather cryptically that Wingfield broke out of the county prison and burned it down. He may have had help, or at least sympathizers, demonstrated by the refusal of one David JONES to assist the sheriff in capturing him. Wingfield was also being sued in May 1729 by the former sheriff Larkin Chew for £50 sterling. The lawsuit abated due to Larkin Chew's death. (Id. at 309.) Whether Edward Wingfield's legal problems had anything to do with Richard Cheek's situation is not known, but there do seem to have been some interesting goings-on in Spotsylvania County.
Apr. 1, 1729. Spotsylvania Co., VA. Richard CHEEK confessed judgment for 5,684 pounds tobacco in a lawsuit brought by William STROTHER. (Spots. Order Book 1724-1730, Part III, p.300.)
Apr. 1, 1729. Spotsylvania Co., VA. Richard CHEEK witnessed a deed from Robert MARTIN of King & Queen Co., VA, to Rev. Theodosus STAIGE to York Co., VA, 1,000 acres in St. George's Parish, patented by said MARTIN on Oct. 20, 1727. Other wits were Zachary TAYLOR and John BLANTON. (Spots. DB A, p.106)
May 6, 1729. Spotsylvania Co., VA. Grand jury issued a presentment against John SNALL of St. George Parish, Spots. County for stopping the road between Richard CHEEK's and Lewis Bridge within this 6 months past. (Spots. Order Book 1724-1730, Part III, p.302.) On June 3, 1718, John SNALL appeared to answer the presentment and the court ordered it dismissed. (Id. p.319.)
May 7, 1729. Spotsylvania Co., VA. Richard CHEEK was involved in a lawsuit with Michael GUINNEY. The court rejected a request for special bail against the defendant Richard CHEEK and ordered that trial be referred to the next court. (Spots. Order Book 1724-1730, Part III, p.311.) The case went to trial on June 4, 1729, and the jury returned a verdict for the defendant. (Id. p.322.)
Aug. 5, 1729. Spotsylvania Co., VA. Richard CHEEK, late Deputy Sheriff, confessed judgment for 562 pounds tobacco in a lawsuit brought by John WALLER. (Spots. Order Book 1724-1730, Part III, p.335.)
Jan. 7, 1729/30. Spotsylvania Co., VA. Richard CHEEK of St. George's Parish, Spots., to John MILLER, Sr., of St. Ann's Parish, Essex Co., VA, for £25 currency, 1,000 acres of land in St. George's Parish granted the said CHEEK on Oct. 13, 1727, joining Chitty Corbin THACKER and Catesby COCK. Witnesses: W. HANSFORD, Wm. BARTLETT, John PARKES, John MILLER, Jr. Jane CHEEK acknowledged her right of dower by Wm. BARTLETT, her attorney. Recorded Feb. 3, 1729/30. (Spots. DB A, p.110)
Feb. 1, 1729/30. Spotsylvania Co., VA. Richard CHEEK of St. George's Parish, Spots., to John MILLER of St. Mary's Parish, Caroline Co., for 4,000 pounds tobacco, 70 acres in St. George's Parish being part of a patent granted John QUARLES on Sept. 3, 1723. Witnesses: John MILLER, John PARKS, Jos. RETTERFORD. Jane CHEEK acknowledged her right of dower by Wm. BARTLETT, her attorney. Rec. Feb. 3, 1729/30. (Spots. DB A, p.110; see also Spots. Order Book 1724-1730, Part IV, p.370.)
Sept. 1729-May 1730. The following court records strongly suggest that Richard Cheek had left Spotsylvania County by September 1729. He failed to appear in several court cases, assigned one lawsuit to a third person, and could not be located to be served with orders to appear in court.
- Sept. 3, 1729. Spotsylvania Co., VA. A suit brought by Richard CHEEK vs. Dennis MORGAIN was ordered dismissed for lack of prosecution. On the same date, Richard CHEEK failed to appear in a case brought by John MERCER. (Spots. Order Book 1724-1730, Part IV, pp.347, 351.)
- Dec. 2, 1729. Spotsylvania Co., VA. An action between George PROCTOR and John YOUNG was continued to the next court because the Sheriff Richard CHEEK had not served the attachment. (Spots. Order Book 1724-1730, Part IV, p.363.)
- Dec. 3, 1729. Spotsylvania Co. VA. Richard CHEEK failed to appear in a case brought against him by John MERCER. (Spots. Order Book 1724-1730, Part IV, pp.366.)
- Dec. 3, 1729. Spotsylvania Co. VA. In an action for debt by Goodrich LIGHTFOOT Gent. vs. Richard CHEEK, the Sheriff having returned a copy left, the court grated an alias capias [i.e., the Sheriff had not been able to personally serve Richard CHEEK and the court issued a 2nd order to appear]. (Spots. Order Book 1724-1730, Part IV, p.367.)
- Feb. 4, 1729/30. Spotsylvania Co., VA. In an action brought by Andrew GLASPIE against Richard CHEEK, a pluria capias [i.e. a 3rd order to appear] was granted the plaintiff. On May 6, 1730, the case was dismissed because the plurias capias had not been executed. (Spots. Order Book 1724-1730, Part IV, pp.363, 394.)
- Feb. 5, 1729/30. Spotsylvania Co., VA. In an action of debt brought by Goodrich LIGHTFOOT, Gent. Sheriff vs. Richard CHEEK, no declaration being entered, case was ordered dismissed. (Spots. Order Book 1724-1730, Part IV, p.377.)
- May 6, 1730. Spotsylvania Co. VA. In an action for debt by Goodrich LIGHTFOOT of the Parish of St. George Spots. County vs. Richard CHEEK of same Parish and County, Gent., for £1,000 sterling due by bond, case ordered dismissed for lack of prosecution. (Spots. Order Book 1724-1730, Part IV, p.394.)
- May 6, 1730. Spotsylvania Co. VA. Edward PRICE assignee of Richard CHEEK obtained a judgment against George HOME for 899 pounds tobacco due by bill. (Spots. Order Book 1724-1730, Part IV, p.398.)
- May 6, 1730. Spotsylvania Co. VA. In an action for debt bewteen William STROTHER Gent., plaintiff, vs. Richard CHEEK and Edward PRICE, defendants, for 3,557 pounds tobacco in four hogsheads in Mrs. Jael JOHNSON's rolling house, Edward PRICE one of the defendants came into court and suffered judgment to be passed. (Spots. Order Book 1724-1730, Part IV, p.398.)
July 2, 1734. Spotsylvania Co., VA. Henry WILLIS Gent. exhibited an account for 600 pounds tobacco proportioned by the Assembly on Richard CHEEK and Richard JONES, and he having made oath that said CHEEK and JONES could not be found in the County, and that he never received the tobacco, ordered the same be certified for allowance. (Spots. Order Book 1734-1735, p.332.)
Mar. 12, 1738/39. Spotsylvania Co., VA. A land grant to
William BARTLETT describes 314 acres lying on the branches of the
Mattapony River, bounded by Richard CHEEK, John QUARLES, Henry
WILLIS, Ambrose GRAYSON, and LEWIS; land originally granted to
Andrew DONALDSON, Sept. 28, 1728. (VA Patent Book No. 18,
pp.523-525; also VA DE4 p.208).
Note: the mention of Richard Cheek in the above deed does not mean that Richard Cheek was still in Spots. County in 1738/39. Land descriptions were often copied from earlier deeds or surveys and the neighbors referred to might be long gone or even deceased.