Robert Cheek -
Abstracts of Records
Amelia County, Virginia
The following titheables lists were kindly provided by researcher Larry Cates.
1752 Titheables List, Amelia Co., VA; Wood Jones' list, taken below Deep Creek, Raleigh Parish, Amelia Co., VA: John BLANTON, Larkin CHEW, Edward CARTER, Robert CHICK, Sam, Sampson, Hester, Isbel, Jene (a total of 9 tithes).
Note: Raleigh Parish was located in the southern part of Amelia County which later became Nottoway County. Larkin CHEW's father Capt. Larkin CHEW, Sr., lived near Robert's (probable) uncle Richard Cheek in Spotsylvania Co., VA. John BLANTON is probably related to the BLANTON family of Spotsylvania and Caroline Counties, VA. John BLANTON lived on Sellow Fork of Deep Creek in Amelia County. (See Amelia DB 4, p. 355, Apr. 18, 1752, deed from James HINTON to John CLAY for 200 acres on Sellow Fork of Deep Creek adj. Christopher HINTON's old line, Abraham HAWKE, & John BLANTON.)
1754 Titheables List, Amelia Co., VA; Charles Irby's List: Dibdale HOLT, Robert CHEEK, Francis SPAIN, Siddimore, Sam, Sarah, Beck, Hannah (a total of 8 tithes).
Note: Dibdall HOLT came to Amelia County from Williamsburg, VA, prior to 1748. He was married to Elizabeth COCKE, daughter of Brazure COCKE of Williamsburg & Brunswick Co., VA. Robert Cheek married Brazure's daughter Ann COCKE (i.e., Dibdall Holt's sister-in-law) around 1761. Dibdall Holt's land was located in Nottoway Parish (formed from Raleigh Parish c.1752) near the county line. (See Amelia Co., VA, DB 4, p.338.)
1755 Titheables List, Amelia Co., VA: Dibdale HOLT, Robt CHECK, Frans SPAIN, Sidamor, Sam, Sarah, Hannah, Beck (a total of 8 tithes)
1756 Titheables List, Amelia Co., VA: Abraham COCKE, Stephen COCKE, Robert CHEAK, Boatswaim, Peter, Will, Jack, Nan, Patt, Bess (a total of 10 tithes).
Note: Abraham COCKE was Brazure COCKE's 1st cousin. Stephen COCKE was Abraham COCKE's son.
A dispute over tobacco Sometime during the mid-1750's, Dibdale Holt and Abraham Cocke got into a dispute which resulted in a lawsuit. John Dabney, who seems to have been associated with a tobacco warehouse in Amelia County (tobacco was used as currency in colonial Virginia), gave a deposition testifying to various transactions of tobacco in 1752 and 1754 involving Dibdale Holt, Abraham Cocke, Robert Cheek and William Newsum. "This Deponent Farther saith that This Depont heard Capt. Abrahm. COCKE tell the Inspector to have the Tobacco passed in his name and said then no Body could meddle with it and this Deponent believes that the Tobacco brought Down the last Year Robt. CHEEK was Overseer for the said HOLT was passed in the name of Capt. Abrahm. COCKE". (Magazine of VA Genealogy, Vol. 36, No. 4, pp.285-286 (Nov. 1998), transcription from Amelia County loose papers by Barbara Vines Little.)
Nov. 24, 1762. Amelia Co., VA. Robert CHEEK witnessed a deed from David SPAIN & Abigail his wife "of Aroly Parish" [Raleigh Parish], Amelia County, to John GRAY of Nottoway Parish, Amelia Co., 100 acres on upper west side of Deep Creek bounded by SPAIN's old line, the cow branch, and the spring branch, for £135. Tract was conveyed to Thomas SPAIN by John WILLIAMSON, and by Thomas SPAIN to David SPAIN. Other wits: Thomas SPAIN, John SPAIN, Francis SPAIN. (Amelia Co., VA, DB 8, p.35.)
Brunswick County, Virginia

The Nottoway River
Fort Pickett, Virginia
Robert Cheek purchased land in Brunswick County, VA, in 1753. His property was located in northwestern Bruswick County very near the border of Amelia (later Nottoway) County. Land records mention Rocky Run, Red Oak Creek, and the Nottoway River. This is a hilly, densely forested area that is now part of the Fort Pickett military base and is mainly used for wilderness training. View a Google map. Robert's father-in-law, Brazure COCKE, purchased land on Rocky Run in 1750. (See Brunswick Co., VA, DB 4, p.200.) Robert CHEEK's name appears in Brunswick County deeds along with Brazure COCKE's sons William and Thomas COCKE, and his son-in-law Dibdall HOLT (who married Elizabeth COCKE).
Robert's neighbors in Brunswick included Hubbard QUARLES and John QUARLES, sons of John Quarles who was a neighbor of Robert Cheek's uncle Richard Cheek in Spotsylvania County, VA.
Oct. 22, 1753. Brunswick Co., VA. Thomas WILLIAMS of North Farnham Parish, Richmond Co., VA, to Robert CHICK of Nottoway Parish, Amelia Co., for £37.12.6 VA money, a tract of land [no acreage stated] which John WILLIAMS the father of said Thomas WILLIAMS purchased from John DAVIS on Nottoway R. adj. Sampson CAUDLE, Hugh WILLIAMS. Wits: Wm. COCKE, Dibdall HOLT, Richard CROSS, Thomas SPAIN, Hugh WILLIAMS. Proved Nov. 27, 1753. (Brunswick DB 5, p. 475.)
Oct. 22, 1753. Brunswick Co., VA. Robert CHEEK witnessed a deed from Luke WILLIAMS of North Farnham Parish, Richmond Co., VA, to William COCKE of St. Andrews Parish, Brunswick Co., a tract of land [no acreage stated] which John WILLIAMS the father of said Luke purchased from John DAVIS on Nottoway R. adj. Charles MATTHEWS. Other wits: Hugh WILLIAMS, James ADAMS, Hubbard QUARLES, Dibdall HOLT, Henry CLANK. Proved Nov. 27, 1753. (Brunswick DB 5, p.472.)
May 3, 1759. Brunswick Co., VA. Robert CHEEK witnessed a deed from Thomas COCKE of Cumberland Co., VA, to John GUNTER of St. Andrew Parish in Brunswick Co., 162 acres at the mouth of Rocky Run, adj. lands of DAVIS, Wm. MATTHIS, and the Nottoway River. Other wits: William COCKE and Richd GUNTER. Proved May 22, 1759. (Brunswick DB 6, p.353)
Nov. 26, 1759. Brunswick Co., VA. Robert CHEEK witnessed a deed from John GUNTER, Jr., of St. Andrew Parish, Brunswick. Co. to Richard GUNTER of said parish, 88 acres adj. Red Oak Creek, Hubbard QUARLES, Joshua FRY, and John GUNTER, Sr. Other wits: Hugh WILLIAMS and Richd. CAUDLE. Proved Nov. 26, 1759. (Brunswick Deed Book 6, p.412.)
Feb. 25, 1762. Brunswick Co., VA. Robert CHEEK (or CHICK) and wife Anne of St. Andrew Parish, Brunswick Co. to Hubbard QUARLES of said parish, 150 acres on south side of Nottoway River adj. mouth of Rocky Run, mouth of First Branch, the fork, and DAVIS, for £85. Wits: Hugh WILLIAMS, Richard CAUDLE, & James QUARLES. Proved Mar. 22, 1762. Anne CHEEK relinquished right of dower. (Brunswick DB 7, p.82)
Mar. 9, 1762. Brunswick Co., VA. Robert CHEEK witnessed
a deed from Sampson CORDLE (or CAUDLE), planter, and Sarah his
wife, of St. Andrew Parish, Brunswick Co., to William DOWSING of
said parish, 96 acres on the lower side of Rocky Run adj. DAVIS,
said Sampson CORDIL & his son John, DRAPER, and QUARLES,
being the line formerly made between said Sampson CORDIL &
Stephen CORDIL. Other wits: Hugh WILLIAMS and Richard CAUDLE.
Proved Mar. 22, 1762. (Brunswick DB 7, p.84.) In connection with
this transaction, Robert CHEEK and Hugh WILLIAMS also witnessed a
bond given by Sampson CORDIL and Richard CORDIL to William
DOWSING on condition of Sarah CORDILL's relinquishment of
right of dower. (Brunswick DB 7, p.85.)