Robert Cheek -
North Carolina Records
Robert Cheek and his family left Brunswick County, VA, in 1762 and purchased land on Sandy Creek in Granville/Bute County, North Carolina. Sandy Creek begins near the present-day town of Henderson in Warren County and flows across Franklin County into Nash County where it becomes Swift Creek. It's not clear whether Robert Cheek's land was located in what later became Warren County or Franklin County. Some of his neighbors, such as the Estes (Estridge) family, appear to have lived in the area that became Warren County. View a Google map.
__ 1762. Granville Co., NC. Robert CHEEK purchased 180 acres on Sandy Creek from Joshua PAINE & his wife Susannah. (Granville Co., NC, Deed Book 1, p.247.)
May 1, 1764. Granville Co., NC. Robert CHEEK was bondsman for the marriage of Samuel BIRCH (BURCH) & Elizabeth HOLT, spinster; Jno. BOWIE, wit.
Geographic Note: The eastern part of Granville County, NC (St. John's Parish) became Bute County in 1764.
1767. Bute Co., NC. Robert CHEEK to William PARK, for £10 Virginia money, 100 acres on Sandy Creek adj. DAY, HOWARD, BRIGHTWELL & EASTREGE. Wits: Solomon ALSTON, Jr., & William DUNCAN. Proved Oct. 1767 by oath of William DUNCAN; Ben McCULLOCH, County Clerk. Reg: Mar. 8, 1768, by William JOHNSON, P.R. (Bute Deed Book 2, p.25; Holcomb, Bute County, NC, Minutes of the Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions, 1767-1779 (self pub., 1988), p.6.)
May 7, 1768. Bute Co., NC. Robert CHEEK to Nathaniel PEEBLES, £50 Virginia money, 100 acres in Bute on south side of Sandy Creek adj. Robert DAY & PEEBLES. Wits: Thos. COOK, Wm. MARTIN. Ack'd by Robert CHEEK, Aug. Court 1769. Reg. Jan. 21, 1770, by William JOHNSON. (Bute Deed Book 2, p.298; Holcomb, Bute Court Minutes, supra, p.51.)
May 7, 1768. Bute Co., NC. John HOWARD to Robert CHEEK, for £15 Virginia money, 142 acres on Sandy Creek beg. at the Great Branch at line of Robert DAY & the falls of said branch to line of said CHEEK. Wits: Ann GURLEY, Nat. PEEBLES. Proved by Nathanial PEEBLES, Aug. Court 1769. Reg. Jan. 21, 1770, by William JOHNSON, P.R. (Bute Deed Book 2, p.300; Holcomb, Bute Court Minutes, supra, p.51.)
Feb. 9, 1769. Bute Co., NC. Robert CHEEK and wife Ann to Henry COOK, for £13 Virginia money paid by Lenard BRIGHTWELL, 100 acres in Bute adj. HOWARD & NORMAN's Spring Branch. Wits: Thos. ESTER [ESTES], Runnal BRIGHTWELL. Proved by John COLE, May Court, 1769. Reg. Sept. 7, 1769, by William JOHNSON, P.R. (Bute Deed Book 2, pp.225-226.) Proved by Thomas ESTES on the 2nd Tuesday in May 1769. (Holcomb, Bute Court Minutes, supra, p.43.)
Dec. 22, 1769. Bute Co., NC. Robt. CHEEK witnessed a deed from Thomas DICKSON & Mary DICKSON to Esram COGWELL, £24 Virginia money, 100 acres on south side Sande Creek to Beckams Branch. Ack'd by Thomas DICKSON, Bute Court Feb. 1771. Reg. May 2, 1771, by William JOHNSON, P.R. Marginal notation: 14th Augst. 1771 Deld. to Nathn. PEEBLES. (Bute Deed Book 3, p.188).
1771 Tax List, Bute Co., NC: ROBERT CHEEK
May 16, 1771. Bute Co., NC. "Ordered that Christopher ROBERTSON, William BAGLEY, Izram COGWELL, Turner HARRIS, John POWNELL, Robert CHEEK, Nathaniel PEEBLES, Aaron FUZZEL, Thomas ESTRIDGE, Henry COOKE, Nathaniel HENDERSON, Urbaine NICHOLSON, James ARNOLD, Mathew DUTY and Roger THORNTON view the way for a road to be cleared beginning where Tabb CLANTONS path turns out of the Shocco Road the most convenient way by Nathaniel PEEBLES' plantation, thence a direct course up to the path that goes from Turner HARRIS to Ephraim ESTRIDGES, and that Nathaniel PEEBLES be overseer of the same and that he open the same with the hands belonging to Turner HARRIS, Izram COGWELL, John POWNELL, Robert CHEEK, Christopher ROBERTSON, Thomas NORMAN and the hands of Bute said Nathaniel PEEBLES." (Holcomb, Bute Court Minutes, supra, p.109.
Aug. 14, 1771. Bute Co., NC. Joseph NORRIS, Matthew DUTY, William HILLS, Anthony WINSTON, William POWELL, Jenkins DEVINEY, Charnal HIGHTOWER, Daniel SLEDGE, Samuel DUKE, John EDWARDS, Robert CHEEK, & James HUCKABY served on a jury in the case of Brandon vs. Jones. (Holcomb, Bute Court Minutes, supra, p.111.)
Feb. 9, 1772. Bute Co., NC. Robert CHEEK with wife Ann, to Natha. PEEBLES, £40 Virginia money, 142 on south side Sandy Creek, from the Grate Branch at line of Robert DAY to line of said CHEEK. Wits: John POWNELL, Esra. COGWELL. Proved by Esraim COGWELL, Bute Court Feb. 1773, Ben MCCULLOCH, County Clerk. Reg. Feb. 26, 1773, Jas. JOHNSON, P.R. (Bute Deed Book 4, p.99; Holcomb, Bute Court Minutes, supra, p.157.)
1773 Tax List, Bute Co., NC: ROBERT CHEEK
Orange County, NC

Occaneechee Mountain,
near Hillsborough, NC
Robert Cheek arrived in Orange County, NC, by 1778 when he entered a claim for a land grant on New Hope Creek. New Hope Creek arises in Orange County about 5 miles south of the town of Hillsborough. The creek originally joined the Haw River in southern Chatham County, but it now feeds the Jordan Lake reservoir south of Chapel Hill. The exact location of Robert Cheek's land is unknown. However, his neighbor George REAVES owned land on Morgan Creek, which is one of the upper branches of New Hope Creek. Another neighbor, Andrew MITCHELL, also owned land on the "head branches of New Hope." (Source: Pat Shaw Bailey, Land Grant Records of North Carolina: Vol. 1, Orange County (Mountain Press, 1990).) View a Google map.
Nov. 13, 1776. Robert Cheek of St. Thomas's Dist. in Orange Co., NC, signed a petition calling for an election and is also recorded as voting in the election held Dec. 10, 1776, for the Provincial Congress. (NC Gen. Soc. Journal, 10:99, May 1984.)
Dec. 15, 1778. Orange Co., NC. Robert CHEEK entered a claim for 300 acres on the waters of New Hope Creek in Orange County, "Beginning at a Poast Oak running thence North Twenty five Chains to a maple then West Sixty chains to a black oak then south sixty five chains to a post oak then east eleven chains to a black oak then North ten chains to a black oak then east thirty five chains to a Black jack then North Thirty chains to a Black Jack then east fourteen chains to the first Station." The land was surveyed Dec. 20, 1779 with George LONG & Jno. MITCHAEL, chain carriers & adjoined lands of Thomas ESTRIDGE (ESTES), George REAVES, George LONG, Andrew MITCHELL & Jacob MASON. The grant was issued March 13, 1780. (NC Archives, Land Office Warrants & Plats, Folder No.; Entry No. 619, Grant No. 397, Book 42, p.34.)
Note: The ESTRIDGE or ESTES family had been neighbors of the Cheeks in Granville/Bute County. Two of Thomas ESTRIDGE's daughters married sons of Robert Cheek.

1779 Tax List, Orange Co., NC: Robert CHEEK.
1781 Tax List. Orange Co., NC, p.66. Robert CHEEK, 300 acres of land entered and surveyed, 4 horses and 1 cow, value £825. (NCGSJ 11:234.)
- 1786 Tax List. Orange Co., NC, St. Thomas's Dist.
- • Robert CHEEK (300 acres, 1 poll)
• James CHEEK (1 poll)
• Maston CHEEK (1 poll)
- 1787 Tax List. Orange Co., NC, St. Thomas's Dist.
- • Robert CHEEK (300 acres, 1 poll)
• James CHEEK (1 poll)
• Mastin CHEEK (1 poll)
- 1788 Tax List. Orange Co., NC, St. Thomas's Dist.
- • Robert CHEEK (200 acres, 1 poll)
• James CHEEK (100 acres, 1 poll)
• Mastin CHEEK (1 poll)
Note: from the above tax lists, it appears Robert gave 100 acres of land to James Cheek between 1787-1788.
Nov. 20, 1789. Orange Co., NC. John BOWLES entered claim for 36 acres adjoining lands of Robert CHEEK. Patent issued Mar. 11, 1799. (Source: Pat Shaw Bailey, Land Grant Records of North Carolina, Vol. 1, Orange County 1752-1885 (Mountain Press, 1990).)
Nov. 21, 1789. Orange Co., NC. Andrew MITCHELL, Sr., to John MITCHELL, 174 acres on New Hope adj. Andrew MITCHELL, Robert CHEEK, and THomas BAKER. (Orange DB 4, p.235.)
Apr. 5, 1790. Orange Co., NC. Jacob MEASON to James MITCHEL, 303 acres on New Hope Creek adj. Robert CHEEK & John BOLE. (Orange DB 4, p.354.)
- 1790 Tax List, Orange Co., NC, St. Thomas's Dist.:
- • Robt. CHEEK (200 acres, no polls)*
- • James CHEEK (100 acres, 1 white poll)
- • Mastin CHEEK (1 white poll)
- *The lack of "polls" means there were no white males over age 21 and under age 60 in Robert Cheek's household this year. I.e., Robert Cheek was 60 years old and all his sons still in the household were under age 21.
- 1792 Tax List. Orange Co., NC, St. Thomas's Dist.
- • Robert CHEEK (200 acres, 1 poll)
• James CHEEK (118 acres, 1 poll)
• Hartwell CHEEK (1 poll)
- 1794 Tax List. Orange Co., NC, St. Thomas's Dist.
- • Robert CHEEK (200 acres, 1 poll)
• James CHEEK (118 acres, 1 poll)
Oct. 9, 1795. Orange Co., NC. John BAKER to James CARRELL, 50 acres on New Hope Creek adj. George LONG & Robert CHEEK. Signed: John BAKER, Janet (X) BAKER. Wits: James CHEEK, John MITCHELL. (Orange DB 5, p.317.)
Nov. 19, 1796. Orange Co., NC. Robert CHEEK witnessed a deed from Keneth MULKINSON of Cumberland Co., NC, to George REEES, 294 acres on both sides of Buck Fork of Morgans Creek adj. LLOYD. Other wits were James CHEEK and John REEVES. Proved Nov. 1796 by Robert CHEEK. (Orange DB 5, p.631.)
1800 Census. Orange Co., NC, p.555: Robert CHEEK,
1 w/m 16-25 | 1 w/f 16-25 |
1 w/m over 45 | 1 w/f over 45 |
No slaves |
1800 Census data:
White males: under 10, 10-15, 16-25, 26-45, 45+
White females: [same]
Other free persons, slaves
- Also listed in the 1800 Census of Orange Co., NC:
- p.552: James CHEEK, 21010-21010-01
- p.553: John CHEEK, 10000-20010-00
- p.554: Martin CHEEK, 20010-10010-00
- p.555: Robert CHEEK, Jr., 00100-10100-00
- p.555: Hartwell CHEEK, 30010-30010-00
1810 Census: Robert Cheek Jr. is listed but not Robert Cheek Sr.
Nov. 1816, Robert Cheek was sued by his son-in-law, Charles JONES. The surviving records do not reveal the basis of the lawsuit, but Jones was ultimately awarded £210. Around the same time, Robert was also sued by his son, Richard Cheek, perhaps for support. Richard was awarded £100. Both judgments are mentioned in the 1823 case of John McKerrall v. Stanford Cheek (NC Archives File No. CR.07.325.136, Civil Actions Concerning Land for Orange Co., NC, 1823 folder.) Charles Jones and Richard Cheek were involved in a bitter feud at the time, most likely over the distribution of Robert Cheek's land or property. Around May 1816, Richard's wife Jane accused Charles Jones of attacking her and beating her into unconsciousness with a sassafras stick. Click here for more about the bizarre case.
- 1816 Tax List, Orange Co., NC. (NC Gen. Soc. Journal, 5:117, May 1979.)
- • Chas. & Robt. CHEEK, New Hope, 146 acres, $375
- [Is this "Chas." possibly son-in-law Charles Jones?]
- • James CHEEK, New Hope, 171 acres, value $427
- • Mastry CHEEK, Collins Creek, 152 acres, $304
- • John CHEEK, New Hope, 194 acres, $400
- • Robert CHEEK, Jun., New Hope, 168 acres, $338
Nov. 22, 1817. Orange Co., NC. Josiah TURNER, Sheriff, to John MCKERALL, 125 acres land of Robert CHEEK, Sr., on New Hope Creek adj. Burrows ESTRIDGE, George REEVES, and others, land of Robert CHEEK, Sr. sold to satisfy an execution recovered by Charlie JONES for £20 and £29.18.6 costs, also an execution obtained by Richard CHEEK for $100 with interest from Sept. 20, 1817 and £3.15.3 costs. (Orange DB 16, p.260).
Aug. 7, 1820. Orange Co., NC. Charles JONES, plaintiff, vs. Robert CHEEK, Sr., defendant; 3rd Monday in Sept. 1818, Sheriff to expose to sale for ready money as Estate of Robert CHEEK a certain tract of land where James CHEEK, Sr., resided, adj. Burrows ESTRIDGE & others on waters of New Hope Creek, containing 200 acres; Jan. 9, 1819, sold at auction at Market House in Hillsborough Town to William KIRKLAND for $100.50, 193 ½ acres beg. at Old Field on line of Robert CHEEK's old tract, with line of Robert CHEEK, James CHEEK Jr., through spring to Robert CHEEK Jr.'s corner, north on George REEVE's line, to CARROL's corner. (Orange DB 18, p.302.)
Robert Cheek's
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From the marriage bond of Samuel BURCH and Elizabeth HOLT executed in Granville County, NC, May 1, 1764. | From an Orange County document dated Feb. 13, 1788. Robert CHEEK was serving on a jury deciding a land dispute between Thomas CATES and John CATES. |